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Everything posted by skiwi

  1. A video from a local TV news: Mika à 7:30 http://info.francetelevisions.fr/video-info/player_html/index-fr.php?id-video=cafe_HD_1200_amiens_midipile_100711_10_10072011124452_F3&chaine=&id-categorie=&ids=&timecode=false&sequence=false
  2. new pics from facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150257562064240&set=a.10150257560349240.350443.626424239&type=1&theater#!/photo.php?fbid=10150257560739240&set=a.10150257560349240.350443.626424239&type=1&theater&pid=7491878&id=626424239
  3. here is my report First, this is my first Mika gig! I went there with my husband and we arrived quite late (about 5PM, but just in time to hear the soundcheck) I have seen faces of MFCers I "know" (thanks to the avatars and pic with Mika) That was a really special gig, "only for us" and I felt really proud to be there. I think Mika was a beautiful king on stage! (love his straight hair) surrounded by a wonderful "Cour Royale" Such wonderful settings/paints and costumes. I really love women's costumes, with "royal" skirts and wigs. Love when they "open" their "robe à la française" with stockings and garter belt. Love the way he danced, love his smiles.. Love the 2 news songs, they can be hits in France. During "Blame it on the weather" the audience was so quiet and calm... I really hoped it never ends... (even if I don't really like how Ida acts while singing) But it was really to short!!! And I left just after the gig, if I was alone, I stayed for meeting him.... I felt asleep with a silly smile on my face... EDIT: Like him when he saw a fan with a beautiful wig (don't know who she is, the one in this pic http://www.courrier-picard.fr/courrier/Actualites/Info-locale/Compiegne-Noyon-Creil/Les-fans-de-Mika-sur-le-pied-de-guerre ) and made her a sign about her wig! (I guess so) Love how it take care of his fan... The negative... First part was... boring because I don't like this kind of music and the audience was so terrible that the singer left the stage... But mainly, I felt very sorry for the fans who waited there for so many hours and everybody queued in a mess, pushed the crowd to get in (some fans cried...) Security was as bad as the whole organisation... A HUGE MESS they should let the fan come into first, they did not check the bags except bottle caps so I should have taken my big camera... and not only my phone (my pics and video are awful...) But Mika makes me forget everything about this!!! I love him
  4. Fantastic Gig last night! I'll make a little report tonight My vids are really bad because I didn't take my camera, only with my phone...
  5. I've just won too a 2nd category ticket... I can give it to one of you if you want Just PM me
  6. mouaip... un peu déçue, mais avec ses interview je m'attendais forcément à du changement mais il y aura peut-être de bonnes surprises samedi! EDIT:ça va mieux je m'habitue! et mon fils de 5 ans chante déjà la chanson
  7. From Twitter labelbarclay Label Barclay #Mika dans les trending topic France ! Et à 17h sur @radioRFM ! You can listen to RFM radio here: http://www.rfm.fr/
  8. And for "gai" (t'es défoncé ou t'es gai) I guess he maybe means "drunk" like in an euphoric way
  9. In the first interview he says that his mother used to say him to write a happy song not a depressing one but in third interview he says that it is about "a" mother (not his) who talks to his son and says him very bad/hurting things...
  10. Is it possible to edit the first message with Macboll lyrics ad I think she is right???
  11. You can have the lyrics and translation on the post of the new song. I am French so I can understand and I had the chance to listen to all his morning radio interviews. I really hope this song will be a hit! (for him) He said that the 3rd album will be all in English except the France version with several bonus titles in French (Elle me dit, Karen and maybe 2 others)
  12. Thank you!!! Just listen to the song on Europe1 (not live) but mika was at the radio station
  13. From Twitter Label Barclay #Mika est à Paris demain et en direct à 8h05 sur @NRJhitmusiconly , 8h55 sur @RTL2officiel et à 10h sur @VirginRadiofr !! #ellemedit Here are their web sites: http://www.nrj.fr/ http://www.rtl2.fr/ http://www.virginradio.fr/ Hope you can listen to them (ECOUTER)
  14. Petit coucou aux parisiennes qui auront peut-être la chance de croiser Mika demain matin!!!
  15. Maybe Creepy Clown should wear those beautiful Louboutin shoes while playing harmonica in Compiègne... (it matches with a Marie-Antoinette wig) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2009523/Eat-heart-Victoria-Beckham-Presenting-inch-pair-Louboutins-.html
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