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Everything posted by skiwi

  1. Avec de la chance, vous aurez peut-être les 2 versions (UK + Fr)
  2. Cool!!! I diidn't pre-order it, because I wanted the French version (on Monday) but with some reviews (on the orther thread) I don't knowif I order the UK one... I really like the acoustic songs...
  3. I'm glad about this "party"!!! but I still don't know if I buy the French version or the UK one...
  4. I don't like the video because (once again) it's not the way I think of Mika (like the MYH vid). This kind of vid, may not be broadcasted on TV in the day time (maybe not here, but who knows...) I don't understand the balance between some commercials song and such an artistic vid... (don't know how to explain it)
  5. So, I've listened to it maybe 10 times in a raw! Love many songs, but my heart bleeds listening to "Overrated", what I've they done... (I used to like Martin Solveig, but...) can't wait!!!
  6. OMG! What have they done with Overrated... I had some chills listening to the old version... now... I want to cry!
  7. When I bought my tickets yesterday, only few seats were available "Golden square", the front of the stage behind the golden seats and the right side of the flat area but I could'nt see the left side and the balcony I didn't understand why...
  8. Camille* and I (and maybe other MFCers) know Roubaix, so if you have some questions you can ask us
  9. Do you think it's weird, that they sell only half seats? I'm really happy for this gig as I can take all my family!
  10. Macboll: j'espère donc que tu dors comme un bébé cette nuit!!! Quel age a ton fils? le mien à 6 ans, je trouve que ça fait très très tôt pour un enfant, je vais chercher une bonne protection pour ses oreillles, mais je ne sais pas quoi
  11. Here are some pics from Eana's facebook: http://www.paris-normandie.fr/diaporama/4-000-personnes-au-concert-de-mika-au-parc-eana?idx=0#top-diapo
  12. Merci pour ton compte rendu!!!! c'est très sympa je viendrai à Roubaix avec mon fils de 6 ans normalement!!! EDIT: mes places pour Roubaix sont achetées!!!! j'irai avec mon chéri et mon fils!!! Youpi!!!
  13. Désolée! je ne connais pas du tout le Luxembourg
  14. I saw yesterday a TV ad for the Samsung Galaxy S3. On it you can see, you can buy some music and so you see "Celebrate" disc artwork but I can't find the ad on the web
  15. Une petite video rien que pour nous Mika a laissé un message à ses fans français ! [YOUTUBE]Q2HUvhOCwYI[/YOUTUBE]
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