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Status Updates posted by nenartus

  1. Hi!

    Thanks! The girl is amazing. She plays the piano, compose and the arrangements are also done by her. She has classical education, she studied composition.

    These are their baby steps. They haven't been playing much. Last year they used to play in a jazz club, but it was at the beginning. They used to do their rehearsals there during the day, and it was opened for the audience. It was a great place, but it's closed now.

    They did a couple of gigs here in our town, in Subotica Jazz Festival (it's north of our country) couple of weeks ago and some gigs in Belgrade. And they performed on a national television, and on some radio stations. Nothing much. It's not easy to organize a proper gig here, but it's going, slowly, veeeery slowly, but it's going.


    It's my favorite video, cause it attracted me to Mika. :wub2::wub2::wub2:



  2. Ooops! I forgot something! :biggrin2:



  3. Lovely pic! Thanks!


    Here's a new song my hubby recorded with his band last week. Hope you'll like it. It's a hit for me for a while. :teehee:



    Enjoy your weekend!


  4. And I'm hypnotized with Vive Le Vent! :hypo: I can't stop listening to it! He sang it so well!

  5. It's really good!:thumb_yello:

    Considering you did it from the photo it's really vivid. Especially the head, and the hair. It's a bit blurry, but if I can see well, you can see eyes, and that's great. The position of his left arm, holding the mic, is very hard for drawing. I'm not sure how to say that in English (we say some expression that means shortening) it's specifically shortened. And you need to study anatomy to know how to position it well. But that hand is well drawn.

    I'm impressed. :clap::clap::clap:


    But of course, the drawing would be much better if Mika was posing in front of you, don't you think? :naughty:

  6. 318495_255956531120467_230342797015174_634971_706626233_n.jpg








    Well, the last one is mostly for fangurling. :teehee: But on those first ones Mika's face is priceless! :lmfao:

  7. Heloo Mastermind!:bow::teehee:


    I made these, and there's a good story peeking and waiting, but I don't have any inspiration. :dunno:Maybe you'll think of something.











  8. Uuuuu, lovely! Thanks!



  9. I found it! And it's lovely!

  10. I haven't heard Vive Le Vent in full. Where? :shocked: I love how he sang it. And I always love more when he uses lower ranges of his voice. :wub2::wub2::wub2:


    My older son has this problem too. He has to decide which secondary school to attend next school year. But it looks I'm more stressed about it than he. :aah: And yes, MFC is anti stress completely! :naughty:

  11. Anytime.

    I'm off to bed now. See you!

  12. I know. :teehee: He looks so earthly. :wub2: No Loubies, no glitz and glamour, just Mika. Found it on facebook. It's from some newspaper, it says:

    Mika fetches his coffee... in shorts!

    Temperature in London is nearly zero now. Lately yesterday afternoon, singer Mika was spotted leaving a coffee shops in the city, in basketball shorts.


    Best known for his colorful stage costumes as for his love for jogging shoes, Mika seemed downright surprised to be in a flash casual look. Anyway, the 27 year old star, drew his way to bring home a hot coffee.



    4:55 pm

    December 30, 2010

  13. And some everyday Mika. Don't know have you seen this one.



  14. I just saw your post. Sorry I didn't answer earlier. I was sending the addresses for this Christmas card thread. Saw you there too. If you would like to exchange addresses send me yours to PM. I would love to send you a Christmas card. :thumb_yello:

    There won't be Mika's music in the project after all. :sneaky2: It's about presenting the different cultures, and we did Great Britain last year (I wasn't a fan last year, silly me), and Mika is not a typical Lebanese, and he is not French either (even if he is killing me with his french songs:roftl:), so I couldn't do much. :no: I did try. But next year definitely.


    Hope you did well this German exam.

  15. Hi! I just found this on my facebook. Thought you might like it...





  16. :wink2:


    And here is some more art for you.



  17. It is hard, but much more interesting than history.




    I'll cheer for you! :wub2:

  18. Nisam ja. Ne koristim msn.

  19. Hi!

    So it's not the problem for you to sing along with Meeks. :teehee:


    I love art history, but history :huh::no: But my best friend is a history teacher. :naughty:


    I'm from Serbia. I live in Pancevo, a town 18km from Belgrade.

  20. I'm even more curious about his work now. (patience, patience...)LaieA_041.gif

  21. He is in studio? I thought he is recording in LA.

  22. He twitted and I didn't get message on my phone! l_upset.gif

    *hurries to twitter to see*JC_run.gif

  23. I haven't seen this one. It's :wub2: I'll add it to my collection.



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