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Status Updates posted by nenartus

  1. I sometimes do go to sleep. :aah:


    Actually I'm going now. I have to wake up at 5.45 tomorrow. :sneaky2: And so hate when it is so. And it's every Wednesday when I work in the morning. :sneaky2:


    Nighty night

    See you tomorrow!


  2. Hi!

    I'm eager too see your work! Don't worry about the quality of the pic. :thumb_yello:


    I'm quite busy these days, so I'm not here as often as I would like to be. :sneaky2: Some boring domestic works, and a project at work that keeps me really busy. And I'm planing to include some Mika's songs into it. :biggrin2:

  3. Hi! I'm here just for a moment, but I found out a cute one, so I couldn't resist



  4. Sorry, I forgot to spice up my message a little. :naughty:



  5. Hi!

    So sorry to hear about your dog.


    What are you studying?

    I know that the examination time can be exhausting. I even hate to reminiscence that! :sneaky2:

    But on the other hand, examination time, in my case, meant a lot of art work, so there were a good balance between those two things. Art students are privileged, :naughty:unless they have internal struggles while they create, which wasn't my thing.:teehee:

  6. Well, everyday I learn something new. :thumb_yello:


    I'm off to bed now. connie_4.gif Working early.


    Nighty night!



  7. I'm thrilled! :thumb_yello: Too bad it was raining. The mountains are so unusual! Is it some kind of monastery on the second pic?

    Is that how Montserrat Caballe got her name? :naughty:


    Have you seen this thread? http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26399 I just joined. Love the idea. Don't know how was it the last year.

  8. Surprise trip? What a lovely idea! Who surprised who? Have you went far away? Was it raining all day? That sucks! Do you still have floods in Spain? It's awful! The climate has changed definitely. Here it is cold but very sunny. We say that sun has teeth when it's such weather. :aah:


    Well, after all, this Vive le vent is not his song, or arrangement, and considering that he did a great job. It was just a job. And I looove Let it snow too! :wub2::wub2::wub2:

  9. Hi Maribel!

    Haven't heard from you for a while. How are you?

    Have you find your dog?



  10. Hi Mair! LaieA_059.gif

    Haven't heard from you for a while. How are you?

    Have you finished your pic?

  11. Hello, hello!LaieA_059.gif

    What's new? I was busy with some domestic work these days. It's time to put away cabbage for winter, so it's so called sour cabbage time.

    I'm being a proper Serbian housewife! viannen_10.gifMost of the time I'm not.:naughty:

    What do you think of the new Vive Le Vent "expanded version"? I like the way Mika sings it. He showed that he knows what's he doing when it's about singing (to the rest of the world of course, we already knew that:naughty:)





  12. The picture you send me looks like it was made by a fan. The hair, the neck... :wink2:


    And look at these eyes! :teehee:


























  13. Nighty night!




    :teehee: Oooops! There goes another one!



  14. I depended of my collection. And found some gorgeous ones I forgot about. Look.










    I can't continue, I'll fill in your wall completely!:aah::roftl:

  15. I'm back. Finally! After five days.



  16. Just dropping by to say hello!

    Repairman still hasn"t arrived! :badmood:I"m writing from work again. The connection is to slow here. It"s art even to post smileys! :sneaky2: I hope my connection will be repaired until the last clue in that mika-facebook game. :aah:


    I miss you, and MFC! :crybaby:

  17. My net is still not working. I'm using the computer at work while pausing.:sneaky2: I hope I'll solve the problem today. It was windy the day before yesterday and the cable from the roof of my building detached. :sneaky2: I'm waiting for a repairman now. :sneaky2: I hate these situations!


    Mika was tweeting? I didn't have any messages on my phone. :shocked: What did he say?


    *waiting for a new tweet saying he's already in London* too :naughty: It's nice to know that we are at the same continent at least. :roftl:



  18. Hi Alba!

    I'm fine. My connection is bad. It's windy and we have some problem with cables so my internet is on and off. I'm not sure when we are going to solve this.:sneaky2:

    How are you?

    Nice pic! :wub2:

  19. Au kakav miks. :aah:

    Pa samo se jelo i pilo. Jeste li uspele da prosetate malo?


    Meni je iskrslo nesto bas bezveze i nisam mogla da stignem ni do jedan. Tek sam u pola dva bila slobodna.

  20. Hello! :bye:

    Kako je bilo u Pancevu? Bas mi je zao sto nisam stigla.

  21. I just realized it's pass midnight. I'm of to bed. See you.

    Sweet you-know-who dreams.


  22. Hi Maribel, I just saw you found me on twitter. I'm following you too. :thumb_yello:

    How are you?

    Have you found your dog?


    Have you seen these new pictures?


  23. Hi Alba!

    This picture is so lovely.:wub2:

    I haven't been here since I posted this answer to you. I was working in the afternoon, and then spend a lovely evening with my Serbian MFCers. I was so tired when I got back home that I "fainted" and I slept till morning. And then went to some stupid seminar, that I was obligated to go to. :sneaky2:

    I would like to watch any tour anywhere. But in some small spaces. That would be even better if the concert is in Paris, or any beautiful place like this. Rome would be fine, or Vienna, London of course, and as more I think about it Belgrade would be the best. :teehee:

  24. This picture is like "Hey you! Yes you, I'm looking at you!" :swoon::roftl:


    Is that from Jam Sessions, Paris 2009? If it is, I looove it, with all these charming mistakes! :wub2::wub2::wub2:

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