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Status Updates posted by nenartus

  1. Nighty night! I'm off to bed. LaieA_062.gif

    Have a mikaish dreams!



  2. I don't watch TV at all now. I'm on internet watchig documentaries, music on youtube, and being here. :teehee:

    It was nice chatting with you. I have to sleep now. Working early. Buy Alba, see ya. Sweet you-know-who dreams!



  3. Noooooo! I used to love it! It was a sweet and funny show. Some of the younger actors visited Belgrade, and they were surprised how popular they are. They had the whole fan treatment, with crowd of girls waiting for autographs, following them around the city and all the stuff. " Los Hombres de Paco" never reached that kind of popularity. But those are really good quality series.

    What do you like to watch?

  4. When it's an everyday obligation it begins to be pain in the... khm, khm. I used to love cooking, now I need a rest from it!

  5. My country is not that big, but still there are differences. The accents, behavior, habits of people. It's the same with ex - Yugoslavian republics. There are differences, but we can still understand each other very well, cause there are more similarities than differences. Now I sound too complicated to myself. :teehee::aah:


    Do you know which is the most famous Spanish family here? Los Serrano! I used to love this show!!!:wub2:


    EDIT: I posted a picture of two coats on MIKAish thread.

  6. I really don't like much other forums. It's not my thing at all to chat like this. But here is totally different. pardon.gif

    1998? He was 15? No he wasn't famous, definitely.:teehee:


    You like to cook?

  7. True! Most of the people I met here are really sweet and open. I'm not sure that any band or a performer has a fan club like this one. I've visited only a Coldplay fan club, just for the curiosity. It's not even a bit that live, and vivid like MFC.

  8. There are some vids from Spain on news yesterday saying it's still summer, and since it was a warm day here, I thought it must be in all Spain. And now when someone says Spain I think of you. :cheerful_h4h:


    There's a link if you want to see Mina's coats. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150422948634179.416986.607949178&type=1


    It's on a friends facebook. Hope you can see them. It's from a previous exhibition. I think she sold most of them.

  9. I hope you enjoyed this little Mika show! :huglove::huglove:



  10. No Mika on you're wall!?! That's impossible! We have to change that!


  11. Thanks for the link! I was "jumping" around MFC to find it yesterday, and couldn't. I wanted to post it on MIKA Serbia facebook page. I'll do it now.

    Why do you think the picture is too dark? It's great!


    How are you today? Is it still a summer in Spain?

  12. That's so nice. And that happiness he gives us on daily bases, that's so incredibly true. All of my friends noticed that I changed so much since last winter, and they can't explain why, but I know it's because of Mika's music.:thumb_yello: As a matter of fact, I didn't change, just came back to my old me, being just me.

  13. I was here just for a while yesterday, and I just saw your post. Sorry for not answering earlier. I was always wondering what are people giving to him. I saw some of the gifts, but he got so many of them after every gig. I guess by now he needs a house for all his gifts.:teehee:


    Have you seen a post about Mika recording some Christmas song, somewhere among threads? I can't find it now.:emot-sad:Saw it yesterday, but now I don't know where.

  14. Have you seen a post about Mika recording some Christmas song, somewhere among threads? I can't find it now. :emot-sad: Saw it yesterday, but now I don't know where.

  15. I love that clown picture!!! I remember when he twitted that. I was delighted!


    I saw this vid yesterday! He sounds great to me. And to you? Is he really speaking well? And sweet as always.:wub2:


    I heard him speaking some Serbian on Exit festival and I was :shocked: how good that sounds. It really sounded like he knows the language.


    I was here really shortly yesterday. Tough day, and I was too sleepy. 1495683_548d6788-979b-11e0-a98c-001517810df0.jpg

  16. This first picture is so white, like he is not on stage. And the other really looks like he was dreaming (although I think they only tried to erase commercials from behind:naughty:)



  17. Sa zadovoljstvom.:wink2:

  18. You must appreciate such serious look while accepting presents. It's great to see something like that. Caroline is a great friend. I heard from a MFC friend of mine that he is really sweet in person, and that he tries to dedicate a moment to every fan, listening very carefully what you say, and looks you straight in the eyes. She is apsolutely delighted.

  19. Nisam na threadu, nego u nekim Visitor Messages-ima. (al ga srocih!):roftl:

  20. Hi Alba. I'm on my laptop tonight and my connection is killing me. I won't be long. Our MFC friend MinaAlisa had an exhibition of coats that she made, and I went to Belgrade to see it. The coats are :fangurl: I made some pictures, but they are blurry. I hope she will post some better photos to show you. I saw some dreamy jewelry, but couldn't buy anything. Too expensive. :no:

    I'm going to sleep now. See you tomorrow.




    stolen from crazyaboutmika :teehee:

  21. Oh, one more thing. I stole this one from you. Hope you don't mind:blush-anim-cl:



  22. Mikaversation:

    When you find yourself conversing with his cd. For instance:


    Mika sings: Oh, oh, oh – Is there anybody home?

    You go: Yes. I’m home.

    Mika: Who’ll believe me, won’t deceive me, won't try to change me?

    You: I won’t do any of that to you. I love you the way you are.

    Mika: Ah, ah, ah – Is there anybody home?

    You: Yep, still here, would you like to come inside and have a cup of tea?

    Mika: Who wants to have me, just to love me?

    You: I adore you just the way you are dear.

    Mika: Stuck in the middle.

    You: Yes, I’d love to be stuck in the middle with you…


    PRICELESS:roftl: I've noticed it, but never had enough time to study:aah: and it's too late now. I'm too sleepy. MinaAlisa had an exhibition of the coats she makes in Belgrade and I went to see it. It was really lovely. I'll read tomorrow. Thanks for the tip. Nighty night!

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