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Status Updates posted by nenartus

  1. WOW!!! That's a good quality! And the model is :mikadas:


    Thanks! :huglove:


    I like this one too... It's different.



  2. I can just say...






  3. It's spring! I'm JC_dance.gif Waiting for TOOL. Patiently. viannen_06.gif

    Nice set of tweets today, don't you think?:mikadas:

  4. Oh, hello! JC_howdy.gif


    How are you?

  5. pa ja uopste ne vidim priv. poruke na lap topu!?

  6. moze, bas super. ja sam sad u fazi "otkrivanja" francuskih intervjua koje nisam odgledala. ima bas lepih sa titlovima koji su me iznenadili.

  7. Jao jeste. od nje sam dobila za novu godinu cestitku u koju je ubacila neke, ne znam sta mu to dodje, nekakve sljokice koje su bacali na koncertu u seulu jesenas. nemas pojma kako sam se odusevila!

  8. pa ja nisam normalna. tek sad sam videla ovo. trebalo mi je dva dana!:shocked:


    da, da. u srbiju, brale, i to sto pre. :naughty:

  9. hahaha... pazi kad sam i ja razmisljala o sarmi, proji, gibanici... pa onda plazma shejk, plazma torta, lenja pita... i pojma nemam!!!:aah: i ja se raspitujem svud unaokolo sta bi bilo interesantno. i znas sta mi kazu? pa sta pitas nas kad je za Miku, valjda ti bolje znas. a ja ne znam.:dunno::doh:


    boza je SUPER ideja. bravo za kevu!!! to je bas neobicno pice i mislim da bi mu bilo zanimljivo. verovatno i nece biti mnogo napitaka medju receptima.


    mislim da je rok do 22. da se posalje skracena verzija recepta da bi taj tim mogao da vidi sta dalje.


    a to srce mislim da moze da se napravi kako hoces. koliko sam shvatila, ne mora da bude nikakva fotografija. moze crtez, kolaz, slika, vezeno, strikano sta god hoces. format je A4, horizontalno postavljen. i pojma nemam do kad je rok. :teehee:

  10. Have you seen this one? I don't know where is it from. Looks like a wedding or something. He looks so cute and natural.


  11. Minaaaa! Sta ima?

    Koji recept ces da posaljes za rodjendanski projekat? Ja sam bas u dilemi. Slano, slatko? Bas nemam pojma sta bih.

  12. You are right. This is not Mika! :floor:

    Than it's not cruel at all. :shun::roftl:

    I found it on a page where all the other pictures are Mika's and I know them all.

    I was surprised that I don't know this one.:naughty: Then I preffer the one you sent too.:wink2:


    I'm glad you like twitter. I'll turn to my "official" one when I'm on vacation. Now I'm just following :mika1: on my "unofficial" tweeter.

  13. Hi Alba, how are you? I haven't been here much these days. Actually, I have been, but not posting too much, just reading. I'm in a quiet mood. Not just here, in a "real life" too. Reading a lot, watching Sherlock, making some drawings, thinking about birthday projects for Mika.

    How about tweeter? Are you managing? What do you think about it?

    I saw a picture on facebook today, and thought of you. This one is cruel, isn't it?:teehee:



  14. You on tweeter? That's a surprise.

    I'm rarely there.

    I created another tweeter account just to follow Mika. I'm getting his tweets on my phone, and that's great! This old account is too crowded. I'm too lazy to read everything.:blush-anim-cl:

  15. This is so sweet!




    I'm sorry I saw it too late.:blush-anim-cl: I would reply to you with something similar.

  16. Upec! Cisto da se zna. I malo da prozborim srpski.:aah:


    Odoh da spavam. :bye:

  17. You are right! I prefer Dr John too.:das::thumb_yello::lol3:

  18. Oh sweety, are you OK? Don't worry, Dr Mika is on his way...





  19. No problem! Mika get ready, cause we are golden!


    Mika: No problem ladies, I'm prepared!




  20. Maybe one day, the two of us, like old grannies. We should meet in London, and then travel around Europe to follow grandpa Meeks..:naughty:

    What d'ya think? Is it a deal? :wink2::roftl:




    I know about Vigevano, but I'm still waiting.

    I'd like to see him in Vienna, maybe.:teehee:


    Oh, and you know what. If he release the album I think he will conquer Spain this year.:wink2:

  21. Oh, how I wish I could. It's too complicated. I think I need a visa for UK, and then it's too expensive. It's my dream to visit London, and it would be perfect to see Mika there (although I would like to see his gig, not the festival one). But I think I'll skip it this year. :teehee:

    It's good for him to perform in London, that's why I'm so exited about it. :biggrin2:


    I'm waiting for some more announcements. I don't believe he'll come to Serbia, so waiting for Hungary, Romania or Austria or perhaps north of Italy.


    Actually, now when I think of it, I would like to travel around Europe and see gigs in different countries. Just to compare. :aah::naughty: Dreams, dreams...


    How about you?

  22. I just fainted!!!:teehee:


    No new songs.


    This show was like homage to Mika.:naughty: I bet there were some fans in the organization crew.



    I'm smiling all morning.

    Now it's a little bit easier to wait for the new album, isn't it.:biggrin2:

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