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About astor

  • Birthday 06/13/1996


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    It will be OK.

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  1. rawr there're traps everywhere :das:


    so... my friend and another guy is having a war, and she's forcing me to be on her side, because I'm her friend. I honestly wanted to be in the middle and support whoever's right, but I can't, because her pulling force is too strong. She asked me if she could use my Facebook account (since I don't use it much) to pretend that I gossip about them :shocked: she used my account to say bad things about the others :sad: today they talked behind my back about what I posted on her wall, but I wanted to say that I didn't do that, but I have no evidence because they didn't mention my name... I wanted to report this to the school and say that I didn't do so, but something keeps saying that I shouldn't do that...



    please help :crybaby: I know it's annoying and immature and wasting your time, but I'm very stuck right now

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