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Status Updates posted by kreacher

  1. the GK challenge thread is closed (??!?!?) so i can't add the original i went and found so i'll just pop it here i guess https://www.tiktok.com/@pianocole/video/6933281680434269445


  2. lol i definitely watched this season of BB. I could've been a fan of Mika like 3 years earlier :facepalm: i'm so annoyed to find this out! Damn it Dustin why didn't you push Mika more?!


    1. Starlight


      It doesn't matter, it's important that you found him :yes:

  3. i still need Mika tissues! Anyone know where i can buy them that'll ship to the USA?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kreacher


      hmm that's disappointing :( Silver offered to send me one of each of the little packs so if nothing else i'll have them for my collection, but i was hoping to get enough to carry around and use

    3. mellody


      We'll probably have some as giveaways in January as well - but of course also not huge packs.

      I think you might get 1 or 2 packs of 24 Tempo for the shipping price, or maybe in France the shipping is cheaper, dunno... but if you're ready to pay so much for the shipping, of course fans who live in these areas could also buy a few packs. I got several from an Italian fan because I also wanted to use them... but so far I haven't, they're too pretty. :teehee:

    4. kreacher



       I also wanted to use them... but so far I haven't, they're too pretty

      exactly! that's why i need 10 of each design :teehee:

  4. Mika birthday project idea that i can't post in the thread cuz it's closed but i don't want to forget so i'm putting it here: an online video present! people could sing for him or just give Mika birthday wishes or act something out or whatever. a present doesn't have to be a physical thing 

    1. Lilyen


      I love this idea!!!! Like that vid from Milan... When ppl sang celebrate! 

    2. Irem Aytepe

      Irem Aytepe

      that's great idea

    3. silver


      The thread is open again now

  5. gaaaah i can't get the DC presale to work


    1. kreacher


      nevermind, panicking about it worked

    2. Starlight


      Panick first, that helps. :aah: I'm always like that if something doesn't work immediately. :naughty:

  6. My red Mika pen w/ the mushroom on it went on an adventure without me! It fell off me into a delivery bin at work and I didn’t know which one so I frantically emailed my coworkers as soon as I realized it had gone AWOL, saying it had “great sentimental value”. Somebody all the way across the city found it and sent it back to me several days later. So let this be lesson to everyone: hang on to your Mika pens cuz they are wily little things that will escape first chance they get!

    1. Dominika


      Last Friday one of the teachers I'm working with, came to my class and wanted to borrow a pen. I was trying to found one but I couldn't so I gave him one of my Mika pens. The rest lesson I was thinking whether the pen will come back to me. Fortunately the teacher returned it :lol3:

    2. crazyaboutmika


      Glad you both got them back girls :biggrin2: I only use my extra ones who live in a Miami coca cola can in my living room and I keep the rest of them in their boxes so those naughty pens don't run away :naughty:

      One of them went to The Voice with me last spring though :wub2:

    3. Mikasister


      Mika pens are alive :naughty:

  7. oh no! i was messing around and i hid one of my posts, now i can't find it. it's hiding too well!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. kreacher


      they can just be deleted please. they're pointless if i can't see & edit them. thank you

    3. silver


      But if I unhide them you can edit away

    4. kreacher


      no thanks, i was just testing something & have saved it elsewhere

  8. thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes! @silver @sara09 @Dominika @Mikasister i had a Mikatastic b-day :flowers2:

  9. thanks to Mika i can no longer pick up a pen without checking it's brand to see if it's Pilot  :lol3:

    1. kreacher


      this Bic pen i'm trying to use writes like utter crap! i can't wait for my Mikapens to arrive :wait:

    2. crazyaboutmika


      You won't be dissappointed Dee, not only do they look fabulous but but pilot pens (which like so many things I would have probably never tried if I wasn't for Mika :naughty:  )  actually manage to improve a lot my terrible handwriting as they stay well in the hand plus erasing works wonder if necessary :thumb_yello: 

  10. *Orchestra version of Last Party comes on headphones* OH YAY!..... *turns volume up* yassssss Mika  ....*turns volume up* .....*turns volume all the way up* unhhhh mmmm ......*crowd goes wild and I go deaf* ...... *does it all again 15 minutes later*

  11. still no Bercy dvd! its temporarily out of stock on amazon.com now GAAAAAAAH >.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kat75


      Ah ok thanks just curious

    3. kat75


      Ah ok thanks just curious

    4. Kumazzz


      me too !!!!! waiing waiting so long... :'(


  12. barely been on MFC in so long! was so busy moving last month and now i'm unpacking and organizing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. frenchfan84


      Welcome back sweetie ! I just moved too XD almost two weeks ago for me XD but today is another day , i'm installed and I'm 17 today !!! Woooooooooooohooooooohoooooo !

    3. crazyaboutmika


      Glad you're back Dee <3

    4. crazyaboutmika
  13. big Mumu, you are beautiful!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. kreacher


      Yang, I bought it from the US swatch store online http://store.swatch.com/suoz210-mumu-cucurru.html

    3. littledevil#222


      whats a swatch? is it a fancy name for a watch?

    4. crazyaboutmika


      It is a brand and it means " Swiss watch" Mika collaborated with Swatch twice to create watches. Mumu is the second one.

  14. Elle me dit danse danse danse

    1. Miss Kristal

      Miss Kristal

      Oui oui oui.

    2. We-Are-Golden


      Don't make me dance like Mika here.. >.>

  15. our chatroom is down again! *wails and laments*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Prunjou


      *swims in lollie's tears river while crying*

    3. Amye the Mika Fan <3

      Amye the Mika Fan <3

      IT WORKS AGAIN, PRAAAISE XD #HalleiluMika!!!

    4. Hannekj


      hahahahah, I got a very strange picture in my head now, of Prun swimming in Lollie's tears... XD


  16. i wanted to go to twitter.com, but instead i typed 'Mika". Derp, one track mind!

    1. Hannekj


      This literally just happened to me too today (and every other day)


    2. kreacher


      xD ...actually it happens to me more than i care to admit

  17. it's funny how the forum's spell check thinks the word 'Mika' is a misspelling

  18. thanks to everyone for gig reports, pics, & vids! The new tour looks magical

  19. just updated the Mika Encyclopedia again, woohoo!

    1. kreacher


      didn't make a new post tho, just edited the others

  20. now that having ppl as friends on MFC actually does something i've been adding lots of new ones *tries not to be creepy*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Salura22


      whhhhaaaa????? >.> it does that?

    3. kreacher


      indeed it does. pretty spiffy, eh?

    4. Salura22


      I need to discover this >.>

  21. i just discovered the profile feeds where you can leave msgs for ppl. Neato!

  22. ooh wow, i love Rio & NPiH & Hurts & Promiseland & All She Wants & Porcelain & Good Wife & all of them

  23. Help, I can't stop listening to Staring At The Sun!

    1. Digital Love ♫

      Digital Love ♫

      THANK YOU. That song is my favourite on the album :)))

  24. help, i can't stop listening to Good Wife!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mikasister


      Same here, I love the song


    3. Salura22


      I havn't heard it yet >.> lol

    4. kreacher


      well why not Sanf?! Go do it now please xD

  25. turns out reading old gig reports is NOT a good way to stop PMD >.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. crazyaboutmika


      Hugs for you <3

      I love your new avatar kreacher XD!

    3. kreacher


      Aw thanks!

    4. Salura22


      *pat pat* you poor thing...

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