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Everything posted by mikahepburn

  1. I thought you were the one last posted on that thread... :blink: and you told me to draw Meeks on Miami beach :mf_rosetinted:


    I'm on my way :aah:

  2. normally it's just 3 days mainly... I honestly had no idea how to explain it :aah:



    Do you wanna continue that scribbly game? :das:

  3. I'm in holidays again :das: Vietnamese new year :aah: FYI it is Chinese New Year, but we celebrate it differently

  4. I HAVEN'T BEFRIENDED YOU? :aah: *goes to do that*

  5. Oh I just go on "who's online" list and I see your name pop up :teehee:

    how's my girl?

  6. yum For the first time in life I know that we can actually eat snow
  7. yesterday I dreamt I was on a rollercoaster with Guy and Roxanne
  8. OMG Yuna I totally love your avatar and PP! simply cute!! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


    especially your profile pic, you and Mika looks so nice!

  9. totally and I think someone had posted it in this thread... somewhere edit: I don't think that's Mika at all... I mean, by looking at the arms, the skin colour and the dressing style () I don't belive that's him!
  10. OHH :aah: :aah: okay I've got it :aah: *evil duck eats your choco chip*

  11. I was asking my cousin why didn't he bring anything, and he said "Because my mum told me that I couldn't" so I thought "couldn't" is when you're not allow...?
  12. Oh so you're a duck too! *shakes hand...Er...wings!* :aah:

  13. Do we say "I could have swore" or "I could have swear?" And second one: I don't know the differences between couldn't and can't. When do we use them?
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