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Everything posted by mikahepburn

  1. So the temperature now is about 32 degrees, and it just rained so it's alright. I came home really late today because of the traffic, and it's almost 8pm now and I didn't get a shower yet :teehee: I'm so dirty right now... So did you get your ears pirced? Sorry I'm just being random because I just touched my earrings :P

  2. You're welcome! So how are you?

  3. Hehe we can study together :lmfao: team mate!! So what are you studying in maths? I'm studying how equations work and found out it's really easy and interesesting ( I can't believe that I'm saying Maths is an interesting topic!!!! :floor: )

  4. Oh sorry Kimia, I forgot to tell you about Canada (seems like i have mispelled it :teehee: ) well you'd probably know where Canada is, I supposed, thr northern part of America...? Yup and I'm going to study next year :sad: first time far away from home you know. I'm going to live near Toronto, which is a big city. Can you explain to me how the three months visa works? Are you planning to study in Iran Kimia?

  5. You can't imagine how hot it is here!! Well in Vietnam every kid's dream is to touch snow, just for once... I wanted to actually, but next year I'm going to Canada, and enjoy the snowwww!!!! :wub2:

  6. hehe thank you :biggrin2: but I've been living here for my whole life, so you gotta get used to it :P I'm in class now, it's like the only place I could go on MFC and Facebook :naughty: awhhh thank you!! but don't be ashamed! so where do you from Lady Mika? :biggrin2:

  7. sorry Kimia for taking you so longggg :sad: my mum said I need to focus on my study and I couldn't get on MFC these days :sad: and Facebook is blocked in Vietnam you know, so... I'm in class right now, it's like the only place I could get on MFC :naughty:

  8. Hahaha roller skate!! :roftl: i've never thing of that!! Wow Wales is hot in this season? That's really odd for a cold country right? You asked me about how hot it is in Vietnam and I was speechless, cause I can't think of any word to describe how hot it is!! Alright, imagine that you're in a desert and it's humid. REALLY humid. That's how hot Vietnam is :lmfao: well is it considered Autumn now yet? We don't really have seasons in Vietnam, just like wet season when it rains (the song automatically plays in my head!! :teehee: ) and dry season when it doesn't rain. In northern Vietnam it's cold, but I live closer to the equator :sad:

  9. Hahaha roller skate!! :roftl: i've never thing of that!! Wow Wales is hot in this season? That's really odd for a cold country right? You asked me about how hot it is in Vietnam and I was speechless, cause I can't think of any word to describe how hot it is!! Alright, imagine that you're in a desert and it's humid. REALLY humid. That's how hot Vietnam is :lmfao: well is it considered Autumn now yet? We don't really have seasons in Vietnam, just like wet season when it rains (the song automatically plays in my head!! :teehee: ) and dry season when it doesn't rain. In northern Vietnam it's cold, but I live closer to the equator :sad:

  10. You should go to English school!! No matter how much it costs, but it's for your future because English is everyone's language! Sorry if I sound too much like your mum :lmfao:

  11. I love my mum but she takes care of me too much, I alredy promised her to study well, and I am now, but she was too scared that when I go to Canad next year I will have some problem balancing my time on Internet and studying time, especially when I stay alone with my auntie's family, and the cousin I hate the most aswell :sad:

  12. So how is your holidays so far in Iran? Is Persia far away from Iran? Sorry it feels so weird when I ask people too many questions :lmfao: thank you Kimia, but my English isn't as good as you think, just enough ao I coukd communicate everyday, but I struggle with the grammar :sad:

  13. It's alright Kimia! I love answering questions if I know the answers to them :) well I have gone to English class after school two years ago, when I was in Vietnamese school. Now that I'm in Engliah school, I quit that place :P

  14. We're clever, but not for a good purpose :lmfao:

  15. i just LOVE substitution teachers, they're the best ones!! :roftl: hahaha the size of my car is just about the size of my hand, so maybe I can take some Lego people and make them ride it :lmfao: really they block MFC too? Well on yesterday I couldn't get on Facebook, I don't know why :sad: but my friend could...

  16. Yup, but did you know that in school they don't teach us about that war, they think it's bad to know :boxed: I'm sorry i'm on my iPod right now and yoo lazy to watch the link :teehee: so is it the Vietnamese war or the crossing the street one?

    I'm turning 13 this November, still very young :biggrin2:

  17. you would probably have known about the Vietnamese war with the Americans right? well the Americans gave up because the felt sorry for us, then we became communists and I didn't get to know much about this because of our education. I only know the war because my mum told me and I heard her and her friends talking :teehee: So what year are you in? (language barrier :naughty: i meant grade)

  18. no she was just want to check her mails and finding recipes o.O sorry she told me to get off then she asked about the time and she gave me some extension (yay yay yay!!) so I have like 10 minutes to go :P

    Well yes, for a small land like us, it's over populated. The traffic here is SICK and you should probably go on youtube, find tourists crossing streets in Vietnam and look it for yourself :teehee:

  19. whoops sorry I have to go now :sad: my mum wants her computer back, we share it (that's why I want to have my own computer!!!) :biggrin2: chat with you later my dear :wub2:

  20. awww thank you that's nice of you :wub2: I hope so... but Vietnam doesn't seems to have the potential to :sad:

  21. Polish, alright that's a new word for me :teehee: really? I don't learn geography in school, and all I know is Vietnam is one of the smallest countries in the world :bigggrin2: I like Poland, they have beautiful culture

  22. I want to thank MFC for making my like more another reason to live
  23. yupp I go to international school, the Australian one, that's why I could speak English :)

  24. sorry I didn't answer all of the thing :biggrin2: I was in a rush because my mum was shouting at me to get off the computer, but MFC was so addicting, and I got yelled everyday :naughty:

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