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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Le me, looking for other people I share a birthday with: Lynne Ramsay Director, We Need to Talk About Kevin Oh my god OH MY GOD OH. MY. GOD.
  2. I don't know. the only good one I have that I know of is Walt Disney... Ssh, February 6th is just an amazing birthday. XD Simultaneously jealous and squee-ish.
  3. Oh my god. He was seriously letting you... A loaded gun.. xD Mm, I don't know. Nice and interesting are very different things. My dad is interesting, and half the time he's murderous, so.
  4. Oh yeah, I remember. XD actually, your dad's slightly creepy, with a knife collection and all.. . I don't know why I think he would be interesting. XD
  5. I really don't. But I'm completely single and alone, and your day is better than mine since I've been preparing all day to audition for role of Mrs. Lovett and hkjtfthij I sounded really bad. So basically, my day is depressing me a little.
  6. Aww so then you had fun? While I was stuck inside preparing for an audition and sounding horrible at that. Not jealous...
  7. Denial... Is bliss. c: xDD Yes, what I say, because I know for sure that isn't a possibility. One hell of a plot twist that would be :roftl:

  8. Ofc I can, I'll be right there. XD ..you have a point there... I don't know what life would be like without Internet. I would break down into tears I think
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