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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. ...nahhh, the real world is for chumps. :pinkbow: xDDD yes, right. 100% so. XD

  2. I think I see a lot of close mindedness no matter where you live. It can be odd to be positive about it but for all the close indeed people there are also some open minded ones, and that knowledge is always helpful. You know, I did used to feel quite left out because of my social difficulty. But after awhile, I learned to ignore it completely. I don't really feel the need for that interaction because I know the people who leave me out of things or whatever it is that they do, aren't worth any of my time. And at this point I prefer being alone. Or on the Internet where other people who prefer to be alone can actually find like minded people whom they enjoy spending time with. :3 it's no problem! My life has been one big heap of listening. I enjoy it, and I love to help when I can. goodnight :hug:
  3. I would agree, I also feel like most people here are similar to us. And it's a lot more helpful to talk to someone who understands you than it is to talk to someone who can't relate.
  4. I don't know if I would describe myself as very different, but I don't speak, I can't make myself. I'm just the extreme of socially awkward. And my interests seem to surpass what most people I know are willing to hold conversation about.
  5. I understand that. it isn't easy to forget, in fact I wouldn't recommend that you try to forget it. Actually, I'm in no position to recommend you do anything at all. Just try not to dwell, is all I can say. Sleep well
  6. It sucks. And that's the type of person that just doesn't like to talk about their feelings, and I try to respect that. Try to. That's a very legitimate point but I'm just trying to say that being depressed is very passive, because it doesn't do anything to help the situation when you could be making things less hard on yourself. No problem at all. I live for it.
  7. You're lucky that you feel better from saying what troubles you, I know people where that makes it worse. At least you have that. I would say you don't need to be depressed, but at this point I know that saying it to someone who seriously is doesn't help much. So basically I'm here for you. it's easier to talk to people on the Internet. They don't know you directly and face to face conversations are more stressful anyhow.
  8. I agree. But some people aren't okay with it, although I'm only vaguely sure which of us on MFC would do it and which of us wouldn't want to.
  9. Most people aren't used to just saying things about themselves so bluntly, since it doesn't generally come up in conversation. It's an interesting change.
  10. I will, when I write it :thumb_yello:

  11. I saw, :hug: the way you did one almost makes me want to do one as well. But I think I'll do it on my blog, that way it won't bother everyone here :3

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