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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. We have Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. And then the Wednesday of the week after that, and not too long from then two weeks or so for winter vacation xD Ooh braces... not fun
  2. Yes the exact same is happening here And I'm tired all the time from waking up early in the mornings... thank goodness I have a five day weekend next week I don't know But it isn't violence for sure
  3. It's been raining all day and they say it might snow, but still nothing So yes, please do that! :hug: Or maybe not, I prefer the rain
  4. Hello :3 I had a weird day today :3 and for some reason I want to fill a balloon with jello :3 I wish it would snow, and I wish I were in a better mood :3
  5. My stuff is more interesting XD But I don't know how I'll get it all done especially since I"m wasting time here xD oh well
  6. I have way more than four things to do... I have 8 pieces of music to memorize, a quiz, a model to put together of the human anatomy, study for my test on ancient Greece, start researching for a website I have to make on Tourette's, and I STILL haven't read To Kill A Mockingbird, I've been too busy finishing Parade's End XD You're definitely pretty enough I can't make anyone act differently towards you but I can say that you're fine how you are
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