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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I don't know, maybe. xD I've never heard you say it, never heard D say the name, so I wouldn't have a clue xDDD Neh, not really crushed per se, because no matter how it's pronounced it's the same name xDDD But I AM more afraid of saying it now. xDD Or I could just give it no effort at all, and say it in my plain accent, which wouldn't matter either. But I want to get it right, you know
  2. Or you could just take pity on my soul and tell, because it isn't like I'm going to judge you for it or anything :pinkbow:

  3. Yeah... pretty much... But I will find a way to get you to tell me, someday and I will never forget.

  4. The pronunciation is the exact same in both languages, but obviously I would say it in an American accent. Only difference. :3
  5. *claps* :mikacool: There's always some way to get you to spill the beans.. some way... always.

  6. Really? I would DIE for that chance!! Better if it were somewhere ELSE"S anthem, but oh well, you take what you can get. How did you get to do that?
  7. ...Oh yeah. Wow how did I not realize that. xDDDDD Oh darn it xDDD Now Marko I WILL say, because there's no chance of saying it wrong xD Okay then, I won't say anything. *zips lips* xDDD
  8. There has to be SOME sort of bribe :aah:

  9. hihihihihi :33333 Well thank you, I will make no effort to say anything to contradict you because I have a feeling it won't go over well xD
  10. Oh yeah... forgot :mikacool: but I could... err... something...

  11. Hehehe you must know I always start with LEAST fabulous and work my way up although I must admit, I adore him in his crown, really I do Xenophobia is an example of a good word with a retarded meaning and I like your version better as well xD
  12. I know. He and Mycroft are the DEFINITION of fabulous. [YOUTUBE]okxD3mSnnks[/YOUTUBE] example A: this is called PWNAGE ladies and gents ;D I suppose you're right. and brilliant choice of words... I am too lazy to think of better ones right now but I'm fairly fond of 'cheiloproclitic'
  13. Funny, it really is like it was written for me I was up late one night trying to figure out how to assign it some type of english equivalent but I couldnt think of one without combining things, and it was just... not right. ah apart from some words english is pretty darn boring. xDDD
  14. this is true. but he really is a close second... honey, you should see me in a crown... and then theres his ringtone... (staying alive, of course)
  15. He comes up extremely close... especially in his fabulous (stolen) crown on his glorious (again, not his) throne ;3
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