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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. nah, but this remote is kind of difficult to type in and i have karaoke in the background to distract me. XD I agree with you on mostly everything, so I can do that c:
  2. ;D yeah, hes pretty damn fabulous hihihihihi I read a fanfic awhile ago with mycroft and cake... it was beautiful, I should find it and it shall inspire the song under that brilliant name which you have brilliantly suggested because YESdkfjiwufhiw
  3. I hope theres more about that pairing than i already have seen, its so cute! XD I love fic like that... i love fic in general. xDDD I would join in on the political conversation, but... actually, i dont really have a good excuse not to xDDD
  4. xDDDD Thats fine. I think it would be interesting to write songs making fun of sherlock anyways because lets face it... he is just too easy to make fun of xDD no, not all of them are lame... moriarty, moriartymoriartymoriarty. he is briiiilliant. and gawd... no... dont want to think that... xD Mycroft is romantically engaged with his Cake, thankyaverymuch c:
  5. Oh wow... mystrade, yes. xDDDDDDD I normally am only keen on shipping mycroft with cake, but for some reason mystrade seems adorable at the same it is sick and ew and weird. xDDD
  6. BRILL!!! XD Be prepared for loads of Mycroft related songs though... because I cannot stress enough how much Xen adores Mycroft. But then, how could you not, he IS fabulous
  7. of course, you gave me the inspiration. because you are brilliant. so in you are. c: neither do I. But we have to write about the other characters too dear.
  8. I dont care, sarcasm is terribly ineffective written c: xD Okeeeeeej then, micah must join our band :tinted: and she and i can explain to you everything else having to do with mycroft? xD actually writing crack is much more fun than real songwriting, so for all i care we COULD only write ridiculousness xD
  9. hmm.... make something to do oh, do you want to be in my and Xens band? xD its for sherlock, its called Mycroft and the Unicorns... three is a better number than two, plus you could help the songwriting balance... if xen had her way we would only write crack songs about dahling mycroft ;3
  10. prove it... c: and diets, dont forget diets... always the heartbreak of diets. but still you know next to nothing about dear mycroft, from just the one episode. xD
  11. well get unbored quick ;D Or else i will be forced to use my brain to come up with some way to entertain you, and i dont know if i can do that xD
  12. You should feel bad for me, this is torture its supposed to mean that you have only seen the first episode, and you dont really know the inside jokes, so youre hardly fit to write lyrics about the show c:
  13. I did ask you something, but you just told me your age xD Irrelevant, everyone can have opinions c: or, just, never mind if youre determined not to answer c:
  14. i will... die from lack of sleep staying awake wondering what it meant I dont actually have memory loss but most of the time i forget things, so.. xD c: you? write the lyrics? PAHAHAHAHA NO. you arent qualified. xD
  15. okay then c: xD ;tinted: seriously, I will die if you dont tell me what dapak that meant. xDDDD and How would Mycroft and the Unicorns know? OOH the thought I just had... people write songs for doctor who, yeah.. i should write songs for sherlock and then i can call my band Mycroft and the Unicorns xDDDDDDDDDDD not really, trololo, but it was fun to think about xD
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