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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. so do I, to be honest xD I think the difference between us though is that I want to leave where I am to go somewhere SMALLER than where I am now... for some reason. xD I suppose thats odd, but i never really have cared about what is odd and what isnt
  2. not gonna lie, i dont really know all too much on either candidates stance on that issue, but regardless i dont think its smart to base an entire political decision (potentially the fate of a whole country ) on only ONE important issue. is that really all you have to say?
  3. :3 Well get sure. xD Yep. c: do you know how evil that is? xDDD stahp, and just translate it so i dont die xD maybe.... xD Surprise? Or do I have eyes in the back of my head?? xDDD
  4. I actually used to like twilight. xD See, I liked the idea, but it's just.. awful, terrible, I couldn't get through it so now i hate it
  5. sag master, good one xD The other day I was minding my business in class and this one guy, his pants were so low that they just fell down while he was walking...
  6. certainly sounds it! I've always wanted a pet snake.. I love them. Unfortunately for me, i love mice too. xDD :aah: Maybe they're all hipster posers in denial, and have to accuse you of being hipster in order to conceal their true identities..
  7. I don't think soooo xD It makes no sense! xD Wait, you don't like twilight either? although I don't really agree with that, sure twilight made the romance and stupidity levels high but in the original really good vampire novels and films there's a tendency to focus on sex, for example the Anne Rice things.... :333
  8. Oh, touche Hipsters are.. I don't like the word. Everyone thinks I'm some sort of hipster too, but I have to explain to them that I don't care if what I listen to or watch or whatever is 'mainstream' or not, just as long as I like it xD I will! I have to think of a good one... but badger names are kewl xD
  9. No, No they cannot xD because think, dahling, ghosts don't have physical bodies if they exist at all if I were you I would be more worried about the zombie apocalypse... I might add vampires, but Twilight kind of ruined them in the public eye xD
  10. YAY tomorrow is Saturday! Which means I'll be able to be here almost all day tomorrow, or at least more that is, unless my dad drags me to see James Lugo
  11. Please, no, politics, no, stahp,,, xDDDD And just so you know, I'm Democratic. (when I'm not busy thinking that the divide between the parties is useless and pushing america apart sharply) xD
  12. Yes, yes good. Mailing yourself? That would be expensive Badger names? BRILLIANT. Positively brilliant. you know, I don't actually have a nickname, aside from my self assigned one Hmm, whatever :333333 I take your word for it. xD Um, but Mycroft is Sherlock's brother.. So yes, yes they are related. Undoubtedly. xD And sherlock got *most* of the sarcasm, sooooo.... xDD I absolutely hate you, you know it drives me crazy when you and dmimif;lkdoidf and then I have to WORK to translate and ldoidamiodmsi I am lazy, don't do this to me. YOU KNOW THAT ISN"T WHAT I MEANT. And anyways, I thought you were the one surprise butt raping me, you should have already seen that xD :mikacool:
  13. A ghost that lives in some hotel room in Arkansas she lives in NY... couldn't really be farther from arkansas if you tried xD
  14. What did he do? xDDD missed that xD You're not a child, shhhh Don't be scared, don't you know that doesn't necessarily exist?
  15. I don't know. xD Or are they? Yeah, you too buddeh Ohtay, point taken Oh, good, so it's not giving you too much trouble? :333 Born with it? Then why doesn't Sherlock... oh why do I bother. xD It isn't so much the Mary Poppins as the fact that it would amuse me greatly to hear you say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, so I can't let myself forget. xD Interpreting, good for you. Use your higher thinking. We shall see? "we shall see" MY ASS. xD You couldn't do it, you just couldn't. And the duck won't stahp annoying me, by the way, keeps quacking in my face... right in my face
  16. Cure your lazy, biotch You WHAT? xD Okay, I don't go to my school's library, but still any library, A library, I can't survive for a month without books. Of course you can't, it was very well thought through you know
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