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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Oh wow! That sounds amazing! I don't mind the dramatic-ness... it's brilliant. c: I haven't had an old book for ages, time to dig through the college's library again... You're better than plenty of people. Just not the people who are better than you. c:
  2. The first two actually seemed interesting, and as for writing the last assignment I had was on Poe so I doubt I can complain. xD MY SOUL IS MY SOUL AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY (should I say your?) HAIR. And by the way, has it attacked you yet for raping it? His umbrella? Like... like Mary Poppins' magical umbrella? MAYBE THERE'S WHERE HE GOT IT!!!!! which reminds me, SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS xDDDDDDD shhhh, I don't know why the expression is what it is but it's just that way xD Either way you couldn't kill me. Impossibru. xD You wouldn't love him when he wasn't on meds. xD
  3. I have to agree. I'm obsessed with anything old, anything. Antiques are so beautiful. I suppose so :mf_rosetinted: sh, that matters not
  4. He gets cuckoo banana face when he's on his medications. Although I'm not complaining, it's a million times better than getting screamed at and arguing. xD calm down micah, calm down... xD and hello :3
  5. Just going to say, if you think that's all boring you do not want to see MY essay prompts. xD I'm not even that much of a ginger xDDD And I like my soul, :333 wait, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? :shocked: PLANES CAN RUN ON RAINBOW PUKE? And to think that the government hasn't utilized this here yet, we're still dependent on foreign oil!! It's driving up gas prices! Tell the press! You could never kill me, you don't have the heart to do it.
  6. yay c: I absolutely adore old things. xDDDDD ADORE. xD Interesting, because I've never EVER heard it called that. xD Fine, miss superstitious. xD Great, they can be brilliant all they want but I'm saying you're amazing.
  7. That's almost the exact thing I said at lunch today, are you magic? can you read minds? Or do you have spies in America?
  9. It does? Wow! I guess it's old enough that it could be on there. I know I still have a VCR in the attic or something but we haven't used it in FOREVER. And it's called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone here.. remember, the publisher in the US thought children wouldn't want to read a book with 'philosopher' in the title.
  10. Neh, but then again almost literally NOTHING scares me. On any basic level. My friend Harleigh says it's because I have no soul xD
  11. We have a sh*tload of homework on Fridays. CAE test? Pssht I'm sure you'll do fine. Or at least better than most. :3
  12. Yes, on a Friday.. I have to research for my website, do a quiz for tuesday, study for my APES essay, read the first four chapters of To Kill A Mockingbird... xD AMEN. Amenamenamenamenamen. don't know what I would do without it. I really don't. Probably be lost in the world.
  13. Ooh, fascinating True, quite true I would watch it but my dad would probably kill me. I'm supposed to be doing homework. xD
  14. Probably would.. I adore learning about that kind of thing :3 I'll check it out [YOUTUBE]dRpzxKsSEZg[/YOUTUBE] I swear this is like my favorite thing to play as a violinist... It's really fast xD I like playing fast things xD Although my arm hurts considerably after it's over xD
  15. Kind of. It depends. I know We're playing In The Hall Of The Mountain King again... One of my favorite pieces, have you heard it? There really isn't anything one COULD add.
  16. you mean ARKANSAS xD and no I hadn't, but now I have. And it seems pretty cool to me I'm exciiiiiiiitttttttttteeeeeeeeeed. In like... a week I have a really big concert to play at and we're playing so many things and I can't wait lksdjf;aicmsafd :excite:
  17. It started in History today, my history teacher tells the funniest stories xD hahaha that's probably the exact face I make at that... xD
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