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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Danny Grozdich, look up gradualreport on YouTube. I adore him, he is American he is not Serbian WHY IS XEN SO CONVINCED HE IS SERBIAN HE IS AMERICAN HE WENT TO UCLA WHAT IS THIS JJFKSMSKIJRKSKDK I LOVE HIM, HE IS OURS. BACK OFF, SERBIANS, BACK OFF. XD
  3. This shall suffice xD I told you once that geothebio does doodles of Mori stealing burger king crowns. XD Ours are really good! For the most part. But I haven't been in forever. XD
  4. Remember this? I need one of those bk crowns, I don't think they do them anymore though Edit: fuuuuuuuuu... I had a picture but it was one bajillion times too big xD *looks for a smaller one* xD
  5. Haven't got a camera or scanner. I fail at life. XD :3 same here. Well the thread will be here forever, so we can pick it up anytime!!
  6. Xen assigned me the task of showing you Gubler http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3830491&postcount=268 :mf_rosetinted:xD
  7. Then we're in the same situation it should be okay either way, at least it's Tiny. We've been trying for this since we met. As do I. I'm so quiet that people think I'm mature, when really I'm just thinking all sorts of immature things to tell to you guys
  8. Mines just typical Virginian xD but I say "y'all" and "cain't" xD but it probably sounds a bit effed lately because it keeps slanting into some semi-British lilty weird thingamabobbit. XD I think so! I might be kind of embarrassed to talk though, because my dads around. But we'll see! :3
  9. I think that's amazing!! I would love to be a part! I don't know, she'd better be back :tinted: maybe she's having early dinner or something
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