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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Close but no cigar. Well actually, not close at all. Just no cigar. okay, FB it is. Tell me. I used to try to be a mermaid when I swam. I would tie my legs together. NOOOO exactly the safest thing. XD I don't like ç. It's all frenchy.
  2. You try to be the little mermaid? How... Interesting. I love mermaids. And æ is my favorite letter in English. That and maybe ï. XD
  3. XD What? XD Don't tell me you genuinely found that amusing, or I will castrate you with a rusty spoon. What was I supposed to observe? xD
  4. No, the lighting was fine while I was singing. XD It has to do with the fact that you're easily prettier than her. And probably nicer. Mainly because I'm jelly of BOTH of you. And the other things were entirely random because I was naming things I observed. Maybe smug doesn't describe it, but it was an interesting look. no problem.
  5. I think I might go in February but it's only if my dad will let me and if so my grandma would have to go with me *grumbles* xD
  6. I've seen your face And you rape(?) your knee. :roftl:and the smug look on your face when you get your way. And I detected a slight hint of Wednesday in your smile. XD
  7. Yes. And because I've seen you. Exactly. I'm having cake right now. Eaaaaat. xD Aw! He sounds so squirmy. Adorable. I wuv kittens. THEN EAT AND THEN APPRECIATE THE HELL OUT OF IT. SHIJNOAIDUNFHISJD.
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