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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Hey annu I was in the car on the way to breakfast, they just happen to have wifi here XD she likes 1D
  2. Wait, she only said she knows it not that she actually likes it. Does she like it...? XD
  3. People who live in the west. As in, on the globe. Ex: America, Canada, places like that. XD Edit: what context was that in, anyways? XD
  4. high resolution would be nice This movie always makes me happy! And the 3D is the best I have ever seen. It's so realistic and HD. I couldn't stop watching if I wanted to! And now it's at my favorite scene!
  5. Awwwww thank you! ;D Yeah. You're tough and you're stubborn as a mule Yeah, one day his face really WILL be on billboards in china....
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