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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Ahaa that's like my favorite song on the whole soundrack! And for some reason it reminded me of the never ending love I have for this song: [YOUTUBE]xPU8OAjjS4k[/YOUTUBE]
  2. Rachel, knowing Xen like I do get ready to potentially have your innocence destroyed. XD
  3. I hope she doesn't ask you to explain that. I really hope. XD She seems naïve, I would worry if I were you xD
  4. Ah!!! ;D it's completely amazing. I thought about putting the Shrek cover, but I thought it was a bit kejdiskejsljde. XD I love that version. Shriek is amazing. Well, the first two anyways.... And that, in turn reminds me of this. [YOUTUBE]L_jWHffIx5E[/YOUTUBE] Song association! XD Smash Mouth is still on the radio REALLY OFTEN here. XD
  5. you're not a bitch I'm just trying to study for an AP practice at the same time as I'm here, so I wasn't ignoring you just not really seeing things not addressed at me sorry! what's up?
  6. I miss that song!!!!! And this is just really random for my taste, but I remember loving this song SO much. XD [YOUTUBE]p47fEXGabaY[/YOUTUBE]
  7. Alright! and I can't resist posting this song. Ermahgerd. [YOUTUBE]RzirsNC5S1k[/YOUTUBE]
  8. Good god I love that song. Don't worry, the advertisement in front of Silent Lucidity was for Gangnam Style (xD) and the ads at the bottom of all my videos are for Justin Beaver and Nicki Minaj. It isn't only you who's suffering.
  9. Yes, of course! :33333 And how could I live without putting Queensrÿche here somewhere? [YOUTUBE]jhat-xUQ6dw[/YOUTUBE]
  10. Because I get happy when I talk about good music xD

  11. YES KAJFOSNDISJDOALSJDOCJAOWONDISJE More good music for all the people. Skdjskskdjskdje You started with queen. Nothing beats queen. SKDJSKICD xD [YOUTUBE]Ajyu0Zue0FA&feature[/YOUTUBE]
  12. Djjdisjdie it's just so.... XD amazing. Gubler is amazing, the vaccines are amazing, you are amazing, Mehrker is amazing, everything amazing today. WE SHALL ADVERTISE ALL THE BRILLIANT MUSIC. YAY.
  13. No reason, I was just really curious! ^^

  14. Hey Rachel *giggle* what's your favorite song by Queen and the Scissor Sisters? *giggle*

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