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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Ew, as much as I don't want to do this I'm screwing myself over.. I'll be falling asleep at school night guys, wuv yew :hug:
  2. Just saying, if it meant no school I would be up regardless xDDD Aw c'mon pfffffft. Darn. Yes, sleep so it will be easier for me to sleep. AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY.
  3. Definitely not alone there. Aw I would volunteer, but well I have to sleep soon since I have less than 4 hours until I get up...
  4. It's interesting, normally when I listen to music while I talk to people I tend to... Well, either say something directly related to it, or daydream and put things together inspired by the song, and those things tend to slip in my conversations.
  5. I usually only like to talk about things I identify with or that I like. I usually can function normally around you guys- but in real life all I can think of to say is something about a thing I saw on tumblr, or ermahgerd this book I read, this song I love, this thing I saw is so true, philosophize.. Which seems like plenty except for the tiny fact that nobody gives a flying f*ck about any of that.
  6. Well it wasn't totally random- my clown thought was inspired by a song. And then from there it was just associations to mimes xD music is always great inspiration!
  7. Yep, bet so xD I LOVE fancy! It just isn't for me. I have issues with motivation. It takes... Too much effort. And it isn't enjoyable enough for me to want to exert the effort. I like making other people fancy, and doing other peoples hair and etc, but not my own.
  8. Eeeeeew! xD I can't imagine that. I'm too lazy to get all fancy-lookin' and I can't be bothered to get yelled at for asking for a dress. Plus, no date so no reason to look nice :3
  9. Awesome! I had a thought that it would be cool (and this is just random idea throwing) if at one point a mine was facing her, and mirroring her movements, not letting her pass. Then when she finally has enough of it, and decides to push past, it turns out it was a mirror and she stumbles and falls into it or something like that xD
  10. Fun? Social interaction is not my idea of fun. Sitting at home reading Wikipedia articles about Swedish grammar is more like it
  11. Neither can I! Wait, other than whimsical will it be slightly creepy as well? Well, if you find those things creepy xD I've got a bit of a thing for clowns and mimes. Don't ask. I think they're so cool. XDD
  12. Aw maybe eventually something will come. I've been very into some weird stuff lately.. A little bit of a phase of obsession with all things weird. Eventually I'll draw inspiration from there, no doubt.
  13. Hooray! Have we any ideas? I have to sleep in not too long but we could get some work done! =)
  14. AH YES! amazing. Just amazing! I'm getting excited for this again!
  15. We're sailing, we're sailing, we're sailing, we're sailing, we're sailing, we're sailing, we're sailing, we're sailing, we're dying, we're dying but we're sailing, we're sailing... And that ladies, is how I say hello at 11:30 on a school night.
  16. That was an incredible idea, once in a lifetime... Did you remember which video it was from?
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