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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I hope not :3 Yay I'll go check xD Ah yep. From one of her friends... Equally as rude xD ah, how I hate that lot. Aw, well let me sort that out and in the meantime, a pic of my best irl friend Katie. I was gonna pick something better, and will soon but I realized you can see her Pirates of the Caribbean poster in the background of her profile pic, just slightly and I flipped out xD http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/562691_399756316740282_518427638_n.jpg
  2. Aha (I'm getting happy with the pics,,,,oh well) this be Harleigh, the most ermazing bass player we have around here xD http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=399451586770755&set=t.100001130767198&type=3&src=http%3A%2F%2Fsphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ash3%2F580766_399451586770755_2025261044_n.jpg&size=612%2C612
  3. Hooray, the face of the girl I despise! Love how we looks and acts like a totally different person on her FB page where her family is than she does at school poseur
  4. Thank you! I mean I was supposed to see the show... I thought they were going to murder me so Hanna said to watch it Smiling, haven't seen him smile yet
  5. :mikacool:XD No she isn't, she's a dancer xD she cheered when that pic was taken, but not anymore okay, Tyler last year on whacky tacky day.... I don't know
  6. XDD yes, notes from my friend Tori to him xD Okay, photo stalk Kristen :3 Nope. Well, one, but nobody that I LIKE, just a mildly cute guy that I liked awhile back because he was so goofy
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