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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. No I'm not kidding, look http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=412074525488008&set=pb.100000563931094.-2207520000.1348954946&type=1&src=http%3A%2F%2Fsphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ash4%2F398324_412074525488008_87221312_n.jpg&size=456%2C600
  2. aww... She deleted her YT and I think I know why...... But if you want to see what she looks like I can pm you a pic or something ;D
  3. Well I stalked her and found out she had a YT, and saw a video from there that made me feel so bad she doesn't put her real name or anything, but I know it's her. I would recognize her anywhere. I pass her everyday. I pass notes between her and Tristan during history. And I never said anything about it. God
  4. I was facebook stalking some pics of a girl I know... I wish I knew her better... I just want to be her friend because I know all she's been through and I just want her to be better <3 but I would feel strange talking to her, because she doesn't know me so well either and she doesn't know that I know...
  5. There can be other reasons for that you know.... They probably feel like you're a threat to their normal routines. I wouldn't worry about it; a lot of girls that are so insecure they have to be like that are worse off than you, as I've firsthand witnessed...
  6. Sounds good to me Wow, so scary That's actually kind of mean, though. Just because they're fake doesn't always mean they're bad people
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