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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Um, yeah, overachieving leads to underachieving and a sh*tty life, but idgaf. YOLO. It's why I can't talk irl. Because it's FASCINATING!!!! Like a lot of things are fascinating. I was on the discovery channel website the other day- The Science Of Sex Appeal! YES! JUST YES! ERMAHGERD, SELECTIVE ATTENTION AND CHANGE ATTENTION! Kjdskjjdsjssj Dying of loneliness, tetrodotoxin, people's mangled remains, autopsies, death, the psychology and physical symptoms associated with false alarm near death experiences, chemical reaction in the brain caused by stimulants, the cure for cancer, biological responses caused by cuteness, astrology, the depths of space, time travel via black hole gravity pull, mind reading, dkifkkr all fascinating things. You actually really got me going there, sorry if it's freaky...
  2. Arrogant yes, arrogant jerk no. But I'm working on it.... And well, it all goes back to a stupid decision that I made a few years ago, the fact that I already know almost all my coursework and that I would rather do my mom's calculus textbook and read a psychological analysis and think about things than silly juvenile projects I just don't understand why they make me do all these stupid things when I already know it, I just want to move on and do important stuff! Maybe even work. I want to hurry up and go to college; I want to work in forensics and criminal investigation. I want to save money so I can get at least one degree I'll never do anything with-- psychology. I just want to learn stuff. I guess I'm too ambitious for school? They tell me it's a bad thing... I thought wanting to do important things was good? But they tell me I have problems. [/rantthatprobablymakesnosense]
  3. Like I said, ......almost everyone probably has to do with the fact that I always think I'm smarter, cleverer, and wiser, and have better taste than everyone else I'm never a jerk about it, I keep that to myself, but it frustrates me that I'm made to do things that I think I'm better than having to do... And I can't tell anyone because they'll think I'm too cocky and don't take things seriously.
  4. Aha, of course you did. xD I am! Although I don't appreciate Well, I don't think she's worthy of it *coughcough*when she points out that my personality is different. Because, well, I just don't think she deserves to xD I know I'm arrogant. Half my problems make me seem arrogant. I don't care, people can tell me all they want that I have superiority complexes but that's because I DO have them, because I AM better than her.
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