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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Darn oh well, I'll stick to ice skating for the time being then xD darn, this reminds me HOCKEY!!!! Oh my gosh it's been so long since I played xD xD I know..... I wonder what they have planned.."
  2. Well then pm me or something I NEED TO KNOW WHERE YOU SKI:mikacool: Oh really!? yay! Maybe when I come up your way on break to visit friends XD then you can teach me oh great master of skiing xD
  3. What is with y'all skiers? RACHEL YOU MUST TELL ME WHERE DAFUQ DO YOU SKI!? I haven't ever found a good place and stupid Virginia needs more snow at winter time
  4. Oh! Okay, did yo have fun? when I was your age boys didn't invite girls to parties except once when my friend Lucas invited me to his. He looks a little like Matt smith now that I think of it xD
  5. Oh really, why? Sure, I will :3 I would love to see them too so I know where you're at oh wow xD well are you feeling okay? :3
  6. Not anymore we aren't The word depends, but I do believe it would be 'sprained'. So whoever it is that sprained their ankle, I hope they're okay xD
  7. Because it's a holiday to celebrate.... Okay. History lesson, albeit brief. Pilgrims sailed to America looking for a better way of life, settle there, have loads of fights with Indians, make peace with Indians, have a joint feast on Plymouth rock. It's american history related, which would be why it's strange if you had it xDDD
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