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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I'll tell her to hide should we give her a head start or no? every time I go to my cousins house I die, because they think Bene is hideous, Mika is terrible, well they think EVERYTHING I like is terrible
  2. Our elections aren't till well... Wait when are they even!? Oh okay they're November 6 so I suppose I'll be off school that day
  3. She looked over my shoulder while I was Sherlock fangurling and she said, and I quote: "wow he's really really ugly!" Aww he's cute! :3
  4. I know XDDDDDD my friend is stalking me over my shoulder...... She insulted. Benedict. Cumberbatch. No screw my school and my friends. xD XD
  5. xDDDDD Exactly right! Haters gonna hate. Again, would have a gif but skjdksjdjsd you know what screw this school. :mf_rosetinted:
  6. I know but it's lunch now so I hope I won't get caught xD xDD oh yeah, I suppose so IN. YO. FAACESSSSS. *dances* I would put a gif of someone dancing but I don't feel like googling it as I feel my school will stalk me. xD
  7. I haven't seen the making of video yet if that's what you mean (I'm in school and a video would attract too much attention XD)
  8. Because we're not in computer anymore and I'm on my iPad xD Dude, Allu is one of the cutest nicknames ever in my school everyone would say stuff... XD but if they're too stunned to to talkthat's understandable
  9. Don't worry they aren't stalking us xD I showed them the bit you wrote in Finnish so they would go away :mf_rosetinted: I know xDDDD rule breakers, we are xD Aww, that's so cute! He sounds really sweet :3 haha, didn't people say anything? :aah:XD
  10. well my friends do.... I showed them you xD but nobody else does and actually im breaking rules being here all the fan clubs for popular artists are disabled on school computers but MFC still works... xDDD Thanks :naughty:
  11. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! That. Is. So. Sweet. AKDJSOJDKJD. *massive squee attack* my classmates think I'm messed up xD and now my day is better! And I get to explain Sherlock fandom to my friend akdjsk
  12. because I was in English not doing anything to anyone and this girl I'm not friends with (as in she hates me and I don't hate her and wasn't bothering her) came up and wouldn't stop bothering me. It made me so angry like I don't ever get. And the we had a project to do and my group partner wouldn't do any work and I didn't know what to write amdjkdjd so between those two things, already being stressed and still being sick, I pretty much cried surprising how much one little two word sentence can ruin your day completely. At least i have you
  13. Aaaaaaannnnddddd I missed the bus. I was busy reading a psychological analysis of Tony Stark! Why must everything go wrong =.=
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