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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Can't, only Xen has it. xD As a nerd it is my duty to inform you that it is most definitely not a bad thing to be/look like a nerd. Actually, when I was little we considered people with braces to look 'nerdy' but now.... No. No we do not. We consider the half balding dudes carrying a million books with huge glasses and laptops to play Armagetron nerds. And yes, we graciously accept these Armagetron nerds into out lives. xD
  2. Ofc I do, he's who you asked me about dude. Have you seen this guy? *no, you haven't xD* it is IM. POSS. I. BLE. not to like him. Impossible. *still waiting for ksenija to get here with the suitcase full of spoons* Nerd right here- xDDDD and anyways, to quote Popular Song, 'it ain't a bad thing to be a loser, baby! ' :3
  3. Haha wow. XDDDD XD I try. He's like a tv hog. Dude, sometimes I think I should print out a trollface and tape it over his real face while he sleeps...... It would be more accurate But but I just bought some homemade fresh strawberry jam and WE ONLY HAD ONE PIECE OF BREAD LEFT xD YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND THE IMPACT AND SIGNIFICANCE OF JAM, I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT IT XDDDDDDDDD
  4. You should sometime when you aren't about to sleep xD Okay, I need to make more time for it I'm letting my dad steal all media away from me... Last night I actually missed Criminal Minds, for real xDDD Of course you would notice it.
  5. I know! I love the post about the fall- tetrodotoxin is quite an interesting theory indeed! Nice to read about :3 I don't really follow it closely enough to pick favorites I actually wasn't paying attention to that until you mentioned it, and then I was like... Wait a second... Yeeeesss it all makes sense now xD
  6. I'm here now, I had to call my grandmother and cheer her up Hm, I don't remember let me think about it. If I come up with it in my mind palace I'll help out
  7. გოოდ გირლ ხდდდდდ ნო ვჰy დო yოუ გეთ თო გო ალლ თჰე ავესომე ფლაცეს ;w;
  8. :დდდდდდდდდ ვოვ, თჰათ ლოოქს სო ბეაუთიფულ! ი ვიშ ი ცოულდ ბე თჰერე XD ანდ იფ yოუ ჰავე ა გოოდ ცამერა ბy თჰენ თჰატ'ს ევენ მორე ტავესომე, თაქე ლოც ოფ ფიცთურეს :დ
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