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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. A lot of things. I can list them, if you please. See first, she woke up. And then she took a cranberry muffin and some milk for breakfast, she took approximately ten minutes to eat, and then head out to the garden...etc.
  2. What!? Marko. Marko, marko, marko. It's his name, for god's sake! He's taking me to homecoming cos I'm too lame to get a real date ;3
  3. I've known him for a really long time and I always spell his name Marco, it's MARKO goddammit, with a K :aah: I feel like a bad friend
  4. It's a psychology thing if you're scared of something you'll be cautious of it, looking out for it. Mostly it's subconscious. Ah yes, manly manly manly. xD
  5. Well, I think at works better for tumblr-inclined people who sit at the computer all day and are too bothered to clean up xD I know who you can punch it the face!
  6. Weeeeeeeeelllllllllll.......... Not exactly like that, apparently, he's made a spelling correction How dafuq do you misspell someone's name for your entire life
  7. Ahh, PFFFFFFFFT WHAT IS THIS .... That awkward moment when you realize you've been spelling one of your best friends' names wrong for nearly your whole life
  8. "research has proven that the more scared of spiders you are the more likely you are to find them in your bedroom". It's like a vice-versa association. I cut out the Benedict-related bit... But I have no doubt that you've already implied it Kkgfjtftifjjvkbmvkjdiiyr good, I need fangurling in my life right now xD awwwwww bubbie I wants ta give yew da hugsies
  9. "research has proven that the more scared of spiders you are the more likely you are to find them in your bedroom". It's like a vice-versa association. I cut out the Benedict-related bit... But I have no doubt that you've already implied it Kkgfjtftifjjvkbmvkjdiiyr good, I need fangurling in my life right now xD awwwwww bubbie I wants ta give yew da hugsies :hugD
  10. I love that. Reminds me of the, hmm... 'party' my friend Marco and I had the other day. Pssht I'll make sure to stock up on potatoes, then I shall! :3
  11. *cries* that reminds me of something I saw on tumblr- likewise. Hey sweetie :3 Dino is up for dis, oh yeayuhhhh We're you'se tired today?
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