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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Oh really!? We have a similar thing to that called jewel cake :3 *sticks potatoes in her mouth* wow, yeah, this really helps xD Not until now, but *slow clap* xDDD
  2. Ah really, how does that work? :aah: rødgrød med fløde? HOW DAFUQ IS PRONOUNCING THIS POSSIBLE!? *implodes* Yes, you do that
  3. On thanksgiving we have a turkey, and a wishbone is a bone from it like this Two people hold it, one end per person, and pull it apart. And whoever gets the bigger end has a wish. Haha, sounds so weird! I didn't pay attention to the dialogue but the accent sounds interesting- like Swedish with an American accent Yes, I should! any random news articles about stuff I like :3
  4. Ah okay, good I won't waste away mentally No, it's November 22nd I can't wait though. I'll make sure to take pictures.... and I want some pumpkin pie already!!! Hurryuphurryuphurryup! I hope a get the big end of the wishbone this year Maybe, I haven't ever heard spoken Danish Hmm... Random things. A lot of fandom related things. But written mostly in Swedish, French, Spanish, some Serbian, English in the Georgian alphabet, elvish *coughcough* etc. sometimes related to what I'm doing in school, or whatever else I feel like putting. And translated news articles. Just ALOT. xD
  5. abandoning me on a friday night. *has no plans so will most likely sit here the whole time refreshing the home page wishing someone would just show up already and talk to me before I go insane and glue googly eyes to a banana*
  6. I hope. I wish school didn't exist for the rest of the week hurry up and be thanksgiving holiday darn it xDDD well if I do know more of it than you then that's quite an accomplishment, I suppose xD oh yeah, and remember when you told me that Shakespeare dialogue in Swedish, and I said I would put it on my English binder, I did I decided it would be funny to put many things in different languages on it, just because you know They're interesting to me xD
  7. I see that's actually unusually conservative for the us, seems- but then again, my viewpoint is biased. I love the Internet. My FB stuff is private, but useful for family communication, twitter i mainly use to talk to friends who can't exactly talk anywhere else, and tumblr I don't even use really except for stalking other people's; it's fun. :3
  8. Really? Well, you do have smart parents for that- and I know there's a lot to be careful of especially in large cities like NY has, even without the Internet Facebook is probably not a good idea if you're extra careful, but twitter's alright and tumblr is really relatively anonymous I get that, paranoia is rather common in modern society
  9. Just because you have those sites doesn't mean you're putting your personal information- you don't actually HAVE to. It's alright; I understand
  10. *explains* I am Anderson's Dino. You know that. We have, as of last night, a kid. Well, an adopted kid. Named after me. :3 he is a successful musician who is not a jerk like Anderson is. xD
  11. Woah. I thought it was kind of silly that you didn't know who those people were, but this is different- don't you use the Internet apart from MFC!?
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