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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Anywhere can get boring. So, I won't count it. I did, but I think there are about a MILLION dudes with the same name, actually probably more than a million.
  2. Agree, he's so kooky and fun and adorable I don't need to it is.... You're very welcome! Because there really isn't anything, is there?
  3. I know! He is so amazing! Love him more than words Right, but... What!? Another reason I wish I wasn't born a native English speaker, right here. I can only remember first names! :aah:
  4. I've never noticed any... Let me let you in on a little secret. You're better at English than most native speakers I interact with every day. But I don't think there is something like that try me though xD Oui oui we'll see xD ;D
  5. Is that really so weird for someone whose first language isn't English? And oooohhhh... There's a French guy in my class, he's just absolutely perfect
  6. But... You're TOO good! I actually don't think I've seen you make a mistake yet- not one! Okay Something I don't like? Impossible. I know, I just wanted to see if you'd recognize it at all
  7. It was an extra credit. For +1,000,000 awesome sauce points. Any American would get it, so I wanted to test if you would know. I'll show you tomorrow when it isn't then Edit: 'ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife' THIS LINE. IT MUST HAVE BEEN HIS INSPO. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
  8. They couldnt be as amazing at English as you are *shuts up* xD Well you'd be surprised, may not be possible to visit me :/ xDDD Oh, I dare alright... And you'll not know when to expect it AWWW! I pictured Kitten!Xenia xD
  9. Mmhmm, so many things I could tell you that would never be unread *contemplates this newfound power* xD Seriously!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Click it. Click it now. Sexually oblivious Sherlock. Other things. OH GAWD XEN THAT COMMERCIAL. I.... OH GAWD *curls up to die*
  10. English competition? Pfft you have it in the bag ofc bu how would you know if you could meet me? Where would you stay? Ah, same then... I embarrass myself too much. And gawd... I need a laptop. That's the only way I'll be able to reach the lovely adorable okay *stops self* I won't be able to talk to anyone without some sort of electronic medium names? I have many. Just none which are relevant to the current situtuation.
  11. I see your well executed link, and raise you one perverted Sherlock meme! http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/3982490_700b.jpg
  12. Tell me ow I wiww cwy and be vewy sad Sure, sure. You're socially awkward. Dude, I can't even function around OTHER socially awkward people! My lab partners: 'Dont get turned off by our nerdiness' me: ahaha yeah, hmmphhnnnggg *stands around awkwardly and inwardly dies* Too bad, I love sexual references.
  13. Google search. yes exactly, I push it out of my mind palace to make room for my random fact and quote library. COS IT'S MY FLIPPING MIND PALACE.
  14. More detail! *pterodactyl screech* IM SOWWWWWYYYYYYY I remember the names- just not FULL names to find them on FB with. John, Cam and Marco in particular. xD
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