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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. That WAS the only clue xD Most Americans would get it immediately, well maybe not depending on how old they are Well because if someone needs to get somewhere, it's common courtesy to help when you can
  2. We will and don't worry, I have no idea how well known she is outside of here, so I don't know if you should have got the reference or not I'm withholding names because Xen's trying to guess
  3. Nope, NEVER xD Of course I care! What who when where how why? I started with sarcasm, obviously MMMMMM.....But that would be legally constituted as rape
  4. Oh no, are you okay? I don't know, but it's really funny Yes, what's so odd about that Well, yes you can apparently xD Awefreakingmazing for you then, lucky duck If you are soul mates, why aren't you the same age as he? just saying...
  5. I wasn't actually being sarcastic I leave that to you, mostly. Which reminds me, I hope it doesn't rain on our wedding day And +1,000,000 awesome sauce points if you can guess how I got to that
  6. I KNOW THAT ENTIRE SONG BY HEART IT IS MY TRUE LOVE (other than my sbbb xD) Rapists are WEIRD. It's fetishism. ILLEGAL fetishism. Why can't these people get real? I doubt it's that difficult to find someone to hook up with, anyways. And alright, I will. I'm sure you'd be LOADS of help if a murderer/rapist dressed as a clown, and likely holding me at gunpoint, happened to arrive. 8D
  7. Not to me xD And I have this... THING with dubs. Hate them. Haha, have you ever heard the Mexican dub of Sherlock? -chauffeurs -friends -parents -other relatives -teachers -bus if you're downtown -sidewalks *if there are any* -bikes if you must
  8. HAS THERE EVER BEEN A MORE TRUE STATEMENT. I DOUBT IT! Oh, and while we're listening to kick-ass music, I might as well tell you the great injustice I encountered today... Justin Bieber's album in my record store today was next to Green Day, Pink, and Johnny Cash. WHAT. True. I'm positive not.
  9. That IS cool Try this xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaLhEVzlndg&feature=youtube_gdata_player Hmm... By driving. Suuuuuuuuuuuure.
  10. Ooooooooooooooh.. Hell yeah it counts Can't see top comments though, since I'm on iPad xD But seriously... Why dafuq does that clip always remind me of Tommy D (the idolmaker) I guess it's something in the layout. I love idolmaker though Not as good, but still [YOUTUBE]LdSSlUbYONw[/YOUTUBE]
  11. HOORAY! :yay: Brilliant brilliant brilliant! Of all the people I could have a chance to see live, this was high on my list of awesome :D

  12. This is the English trailer xD [YOUTUBE] vOQeozL4S0&feature[/YOUTUBE] Wow, that sounds like a fun place to live though *note: no sarcasm intended* "“Dirty Night Clowns” was written about the crazy story, with a sad twist, of this guy who was a midget who was dressed up as a clown and was breaking into peoples’ homes and molesting their children. There was personal story with it for a friend of mine, I entertained the idea of creating this character and addressing the issues that come with sexual abuse and particularly pedophilia, all of that crazy stuff. It was a chance to play on things that are real and really disturbing and sad, but also giving a different path with romantic characters." This is all I have xD
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