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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Well, since Micah is a main creator and she hasn't been here, we really can't do much
  2. Yep... But I have no doubt she'll be here soon enough! :original:

  3. I hope well :dunno: she texted me a few days ago for my address (if she sends me something, I hope my mom doesn't open it before me... My mom is a facebook stalker and she reads my mail.) :mf_rosetinted: but yeah she usually cant talk for more than, 2 seconds or so...

  4. Hopefully things hurry up and settle in ;) I know it'll be fine though, now. xD

  5. xDDDDD I will definitely do that! :naughty: And I should say, my second day was much better. :teehee:

  6. No, but I have a feeling that would be amazing! :roftl:

  7. Yes, and going against the flow of things is completely ridiculous- I felt like I was playing Frogger :mf_rosetinted:

  8. nothing has been done for the book in way too long, and I really love it!
  9. Not anything particularly bad, other than getting run into a lot and getting lost :aah: but it's really boring... I could almost say stiff. I actually rather like learning, but this is a thing to be endured and not much else. :doh:

  10. Oh yeah, back from school btw :aah: xD

  11. I know :pinkbow: I don't know which CD I'll buy... It's a difficult decision -_-

  12. Haha good one xDDD

    Yes I LOVE Karen! :wub2: why?

  13. No, I don't think so as she usually can't talk very long, like a minute or two at most.
  14. Nothing much. Phantom of the Opera. xD

  15. Well last I heard she didn't have her phone, but she texted me from her iPod
  16. I wasn't allowed to watch it! *dies* thank god for TiVo. xD

  17. No, not much clue but I know she's feeling better, and that she didnt go and die or something I know, I miss her too
  18. Because of Micah not being here. I'm intending to get back in full motion when she reappears
  19. I don't know. She talks with me very very occasionally, but I know she'll be feeling better soon I'm just worried her parents will still be upset,they found out about me :aah:
  20. .....nawwwwwww. We'll just be doing whatever pops up in our messed up heads, including but not limited to teachers being prostitutes, trippiness akin to drug use, Pink Floyd and Tori Amos references galore, and freaking random weirdness. Usually when Micah and I would work we had been up all night, so I make no gaurantees that this won't reflect that
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