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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. *sigh* Well then, I should be doing more than my hour a day :sneaky2: WOOOOOO memorizing time

  2. Oh-Kay! :teehee: I see. So basically that, and just I have to remember which words are en and which are ett, and if I can't figure that out I can't say anything correctly :naughty:

  3. XD And here's where the memorization comes into play. :D

  4. The Internet taught me, just like it teaches me everything else I know :naughty:

    Sure that would be great, I know bits and pieces from things I've read but nothing formally told to me.

  5. Correction- I know how to READ and SPEAK korean. I cannot WRITE it, because I have NO clue what it means as of right now :naughty: Yeah I have a light mental hold on the difference, it's subtle, but there. xD As un-confusing as Swedish generally is, there are some things about it that make you want to blow your head up. But my brain already exploded.

  6. Haha I can figure that out on my own, just the same as I figured out the difference between ㅏand ㅐ in Korean xD

  7. *goes off to attempt reading it in Swedish... Because whoever wrote it HAS to be Swedish since to write a page in Swedish about pronunciation entails it, so therefore I'll probably get a better explanation there anyways*

  8. Rest assured the English one was VERY technical. :lmfao:

  9. Hehe tack. Thank god I know a think or two about vocal anatomy terms or else I wouldn't have understood that Seriously, you try reading that thing? Oh the technicality! Like I said, thank god I know anatomy. xD

  10. Oh dear god I WARNED YOU...

  11. Oh dear god Blanca... What have I done... I should have listened to you :naughty:

  12. Hey how are ya? Feel like popping in Say Something Random....? :teehee:

  13. :fisch: Part of me hopes you don't understand a word of this. Oh my.

    EDIT: Okay, I REALLY hope you don't understand it, any of it. :mf_rosetinted:

  14. It shall be. But- don't you DARE blame ME for what you hear, as it's highly disturbing even for slash and you probably will need a MUCH stronger meme than your DAFUQ face. XD Sweet dreams ( and I'm sure you'll have them, now, haha :naughty:)

  15. Let's not get carried away. I REALLY REALLY REALLY do NOT want to type it. I would NOT have fun. I would DEFINITELY DEFINITELY NOT, plus it's Rydon..... xD NO.., I think this will take awhile to get up the courage, I should give you the video first.... Oh my.

  16. Note: YOU REALLLLLYYYY DON'T WANT TO KNOW, BTW. It's the most DAFUQ thing I have EVER IN MY LIFE READ. oh dear lord.

  17. Well. I can let you try... But if not I can take a transcript... Oh dear god just the thought of typing that out makes my mind slap me right across the face...

  18. I mean, there's a video on YT somewhere of the fic, read aloud by a computer! Trololo didn't you know you can do that? Reading it was fairly disturbing. Listening to an electro computerized voice read it... Now THAT was PRICELESS. :lmfao:

  19. Read by a computer, that is :naughty:

  20. Welllll..... I didn't save it when I read it.. But if you want to HEAR it...

  21. Well....... I don't have it right now.... BUT I don't think you want to read it.... No.... You'll never look at milk the same way... OH DEAR GOD NO.

  22. Bwaha. Well I'll leave at this, it's so messed up that you can't read it without asking permission as it's private,

    Yeah SURREEEEE if you're okay you're doing much better than I was. :tinted:



    ..... didn't I say, view at your own risk? Has it affected your health in any way?


  24. As for that milk fic..... I'll just say this... It starts with

    'Ryan was kneeling in the bathtub, a towel under his knees.

    Deduce from that what it has to do with milk, and you're set straight, :fisch:...

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