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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I have NO. IDEA. Please law, consider rewriting yourself. Thank you and have a good day. Okay, I'm officially petitioning this one. :lmao:

    ....the MILK! fic. It's famous in the Phandom as being one of the most disturbing works of fanfic there is, after the knife fic of course... Many of us have stopped drinking milk because of it. Trololo now we know why Sherlock and John always run out of milk... :floor: Okay hold on, hold on, don't be too ridiculous I'll get the link. :mf_rosetinted: I've been laughing at this for a very long time, lol OHMYGOSH one of the funniest things I've ever seen :lmfao:

  2. That being said, there are weirder things than that I could have sent you...

    EXAMPLE: the milk fic,

    That one picture where he's in like a neon green thong or whatever,

    Oh my god what am I doing,


  3. HA! I bet you wished. But sadly, it's not legal for him to be completely nude, and I stress, sadly. :naughty:

  4. I remember the entire layout of my old apartment where we lived for like a month when I was three years old, but I don't remember what I had for dinner two nights ago. Why.

  5. Not the worst thing there is. But I'm pretty damn sure you know EXACTLY what your eyes saw.




  6. I still remember my class schedule in all my school years xDDD

  7. Haha I have NO clue. I remember all sorts of random things too xD

  8. YESSSSS I understood it :kachinga:

  9. Oui. No good to dwell. ASDFJKL;;;;;;;;.

  10. :aah::hug: right. But I'm pretty sure my life is worse for a few reasons I'm not gonna get into. :huh:
  11. No it does NOT, never.

  12. I know. Apparently it involves milk. xD And I have been dared to read it... ASDFJKL NO. my life sucks.

  13. Haha well ONE: at seeing a Panic! Performance that astounded me so much that I literally went DAFUQ?!?! *___* and TWO: upon knowing that there is a fanfiction so messed up out there that you have to ASK to read it. Adkkdldodkekasdjfjkl. What.

  14. Aww I hope you feel better :hug: myself, I'm just recovering from a little dafuq moment. And fine. :naughty:

  15. Ha! See you in 6 hours then. As soon as I find this damn fic I will read it, milk in hand, and tell you when you get back whether I had to spit it out or not. EDIT: OH MY GOSH, LMFAO You have to request to read it now, it's no longer publicly available You told me it was disturbing... I am SO going to regret this... Edit long after I've read it: HAHAHAHA! *sips milk with satisfaction* Mmmm. Milk. DELICIOUS. Lmfao u mad bro?
  16. I WILL find it. And judging by the fact that all I have read is how awful it is, I WILL regret it. But oh well. *promises she will find it, read it, and drink milk while reading it*
  17. Urbandictionary.com lol HA GUESS WHO'S GONNA READ IT NOW!? *sticks tongue out at you*
  18. I have no idea what you're talking... BUT I have read some MESSED UP fics @.@
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