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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Awk-dorable.... *is going to use that* I saw something derpier somewhere but I cant find it right now
  2. Haha doctor who takes forever to watch all of :aah: Ehhheehhh so many things I still haven't seen... :doh: Haha I'll say he has infinity chins, because I can't tell when his chins end and his neck begins sometimes
  3. Haha well now I need to see supernatural, Thor, avengers, captain America OH I FAIL Lawl I love those chins, all countless amounts of them :teehee:
  4. EHHHH THE GOOD SHOWS I HAVE NOT YET SEENNNNNNNN IT'S KILLING MEEEEEE!!!! The regret is swallowing me like sherlock's chins
  5. To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to sat of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true.
  6. Le football.............. My dad is forcing it upon me.... ROMO FTW LOL Guess again, I dont have a dog, or a cat, trololo, I MEANT ME.
  7. Nope, haven't... My dad hogs the tv.... We're watching Dallas right now, first game of the season.. I wonder if they're gonna suck as much this year as they always have lol Ha I feel retarded, guess who's watching Thor and the Avengers when my dad's at work tomorrow...
  8. Haven't seen it yet TROLOLOLOLO but I want to... So, so badly... Aha everyone around tumblr seems to be Loki'd, CANT STAND THE NOT KNOWING HOW AWESOME :aah:
  9. She lied about her age trololo I have literally NO. IDEA. DAFUQ. TO. DO. but I lurk on peoples tumblrs, I want one so bad
  10. Loll my 10 year old sister has a tumblr and I still dont, I have no freaking clue how it works :aah:And I call myself tech savvy.
  11. Haha my sister broke it and SHE DIDNT EVEN TELL ME Funny thing until I met y'all... I wasnt in ANY fandoms, didn't blog, didn't keep any gifs, oh god, how did I live, wow.
  12. Mwahaha I have alot... On my computer, which is broken, oh my god, what am I without gifs, I'm reduced to nothing, FML
  13. I just ate dinner :3 I know, I can throw up all my food and give it to you!
  14. Aha, that's what I thought :naughty:

  15. Very well then, he can live with me and give me acting lessons, that's my dream, Ohmygosh
  16. You never know... If they really do end up continuing for 15 years what's the chance they'll have nothing better? Trololo.

  17. That would be adorable! I get the feeling he's the type of person I like to talk to.
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