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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I think you are. Mainly because I watched the show first without having read ANY of the books, so.. My point being it doesn't matter if it's a reference or not if they choose to make it plot then they choose to make it plot.

  2. Well that doesn't stop them, there are LOTS of references to the books that I didn't get until I read them! But it made no difference whatsoever. Example: It's a three patch problem/it's a three PIPE problem. :naughty:

  3. Humph. Well, if I DID meet him, I'm sure he would have no issue giving you an autograph.......
  4. Yeah MAYBE. I just thought it seems about something Moffat would do to involve something that happened awhile ago and make us have a 'DERP why didn't I notice that?!' moment and then we'd all feel right stupid and unobservant. :naughty:

  5. But he'll be CLOSER to me... Haha well she hasn't done it with cake yet, just coffee and tea...
  6. WelL I think theyll pull it out eventually, it seems right for the dynamic of the show..

  7. I don't know, probably a bit of both. I suppose were I him I would be flattered. But that said,,, I now know what I'm---- OH never mind there are already like, 3 doodles about that on Geo's blog
  8. He didn't mean that, it's a media invention. I can tell. He most likely will NOT leave the Uk anytime soon. Although I wouldn't mind a chance at meeting him on my home turf.
  9. I just think MAYBE it could be plot in the future, not necessarily that it's impt, just that they obviously named him that to open up areas where they could put plot around it.

  10. Haha yeah, tbh the throw your boobs in the air thing is funny. And heck so is the riding crop thing. But I wonder if it ever makes him uncomfortable, I wouldn't want that he seems very sweet :3
  11. Good. So then my question is...... WHY did they rename Victor to Sebastian, since Sebastian MORAN is already in the canon, as Moriarty's henchman... See where I'm hitting at? :aah:

  12. Exactly. It's on a personal level, he's quite self conscious enough and for god's sake. He doesn't even want us called Cumberbitches, I have no idea how he'd react I can see saying that to Brendon or whatever, since that's closer to his sense of humor and I'm going to safely assume that if he can tolerate what Pete Wentz did during that performance he can handle a simple crack. Saying it to Ben however, is a totally different story, I just couldnt ever. EDIT: NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER.
  13. :hug: And might I ask the question I asked in the Sherlock thread- why did they rename victor from the canon Sebastian Wilkes? There was already a Sebastian.... *conspiracy theorizes even more*
  14. Exactly, even though it's hilarious I'll admit I would sink into a horrible depression if that actually happened. Benedict... Is a sensitive man, obviously. No way I could EVER do that to him, NO. WAY.
  15. Haha that's good :huglove: I get unreasonably emotionally attached to people, sometimes I reach a point where I just HAVE to say SOMETHING, so yeah :hug:

  16. This is quite random indeed... But... I feel like I need to say it... So thank you for existing. That is all. Don't even try to ask what occasioned it, I have no clue myself. :hug:

  17. Haha I guess so but after fully confessing my REAL innermost thoughts () I realized that it isn't worth it, I look up to him too much to say that, in any case. I suppose I don't have a need to be immature right now.
  18. Oh yeah this reminds me I was gonna share another freaking crazy retarded thing. Sebastian. DAFUQ why did they change his name to Sebastian Wilkes, there wasn't another Victor or whatever in the show..... There is only one solution in my mind for this.
  19. Bored. And like one of the most ridiculously awful people Ive ever met.
  20. That awkward moment when you realize you're the weirdest person you know, and you know alot of people.. xD

  21. It's a seriously serious SPERM COOKBOOK... and I'm just like, heyyy... Am I the only one that would actually buy that... Yes? Oh.


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