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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Come on! It'll be fine. Take a little while just to not worry about whatever it is, and let yourself be happier. ;D Oh! That sounds so nice. I have to have my dad around all the time while he looks for a job, it's a pain sometimes. I get no time to myself. xD Plus, he always steals the tv.
  2. Well, that's true, but I'm coming here every day now and mary and clara are at least here sometimes c: How have you been? :hug:

  3. Maybe a little. I woke up this morning and came downstairs to find that no one's here, so I stole the remote and am choosing something to watch.
  4. Sometimes I really lose track of how these songs even manage to become as popular as they do. I don't mind listening to them in public places even though they're awful, mainly because there's nothing I can do about it and I may as well not let myself get pissed off, but rarely ever does a song get megapopular that I think actually might deserve it. I like Thrift Shop, and Gangnam Style is alright because it's ridiculous enough to work. The rest of it, ehhhh not so much.
  5. Woah, tell me about it. It's such an odd feeling. At least you're not as psycho-crazy as I am, I go pretty much insane about it sometimes. Especially because she refuses to actually talk to me rather than type. Yay! c: It has always been fascinating to me hearing about things like that, ESPECIALLY from people who'd experienced them. I know quite a bit of weird American history things because of my family. My great grandfather developed some of the first atomic bombs and my grandpa grew up in a city that didn't technically exist. I've been to the holocaust museum down here quite a few times! It was quite the experience!
  6. I don't doubt it, you guys are great friends. Yeah, she'll look fine. Plus, she can get a really cool mohawk wig. Ooh, that was nice of her I think that covers my history lesson for.. hmm.. my entire life :'D Seriously though, I knew a bit of that but not what it was called! I like learning about things like this, believe it or not. It's interesting!
  7. Clara knows what?? Tell me or I'll use my jedi mind tricks to find out. Money that we have from selling Mary's hair, so it's all good. How much did all that cost?
  8. IF YOU"RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT, THEN YOUR FACE WILL REALLY SHOW IT It's not THAT far, but since I really don't leave Virginia very much it is
  9. I have no idea either Ahh 9gag. That sounds like it would taste.. really good... not:naughty: Sounds like a plaaaaaaannnnn! Then why arent' you a walrus? :'D
  10. I hope you feel better soon! ^^ Mine is 'I'm alive at last and filled with JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Yes Sweeney I can tell, you look so happy xD Ahaha that would really suck. xD I will! Promise! It would be the first time I've traveled that far away from where I was born, so I'll probably take millions of pictures.
  11. No wait, it's at least gr15. You should tell them to me, you made me curious. I knooooooow! I'm going to give actual non sarcastic optimism a try.
  12. AT LAST, MY ARM IS COMPLETE AGAIN! If walrus is your first language, how did you learn german? yeah. At least I didn't spend it on hookers, because then I'd be in jail. I hope it will be! I don't normally like big cities like that, but I'm gonna give it a go. And climb up the statue of liberty.
  13. Yeah, you said chocolate. NOT CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER. IT'S DIFFERENT. Shh. He sings gr9. Awwwww D: They would taste weird. But maybe strawberry frosting on cookies. x'D Oh my god. THAT WAS BRILLIANT. Yes! Optimism is cute.
  14. A proper artist with a knife, but they transported him for life, and he was beaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuutifulllllllllll xD Skipping the singing is like skipping 90% of the movie. Oh! I didn't know you spoke walrus It sucks. I started saving up last year, I have about 600 dollars and I hope I have more after my birthday and christmas I did spend some money on my rats though, I feel pretty guilty for that xD My goal is to take at least some sort of traveling in the next few years! I'm supposed to go to New York this summer and visit Obscura Antiques and Oddities ehehehehehe
  15. Strawberry cookies? Really? No, it's chocolate and peanut butter BUT SWEENEY IS COOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Ehehehehe yes c: Well, hopefully anyways. Someday.
  16. OKAY. WE'LL WATCH IT TOGETHER AND SING ALONG AND BE AMAZING. She doesn't? D: Oh, I guess you have a point. But having to wait just sucks. NO. guess again! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy don't you liiiiikkkkeee itttttttt I wonder if it means anything in walrus language I completely understand. I've been saving money to go to Serbia in forever, I was supposed to go this summer but my dad lost his job and can't pay for it
  17. Ohhh, not JUST a full moon, a SUPER MOON Closer to the Earth than it's been in a long time. I have a picture of it. micah said I can pretend I took that one Ahahaha I remember once I was playing in a concert where our director was insane... She made really interesting faces and jumped around.. and she wore a costume.
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