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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Mwahaha I'm gonna see if I can find a comic of Anderson and his dino tattoo xD

  2. JAM!!!! om nom nom.

  3. Oh mah gosh HAHA SHE MADE BOOKMARKS!!!!


    Must. Print. And. Use. NOW. :lmfao:

  4. Thank Geo for that one, you can buy the shirt :lmfao:


  5. Hehe don't you know Anderson has a large unsightly tattoo of a dinosaur on his stomach? :roftl:

    Edit: *ahem* 'Anderson has*a huge, unsightly tattoo of a dinosaur on this stomach, and when he goes to the regular bikini parties at 221b, he gets bullied by Sherlock and John about it. not that he doesn’t get bullied all the time anyway.'

    It looks a bit like this:


  6. Okay well then. I'm pro Mycroft/Cake and Anderson/Dinosaur... The obvious ones.

    As for everyone else... I like them all too much to pick. Johnlock, Sherlolly is ADORABLE, and I don't even have issues with Morlock, aww :3 Okay I'll just go with an easy one. I definitely do NOT ship Sally/Anderson, BLECH. :naughty:

  7. This. Is. A. Hard. Question. Like, a Spock/Picard question. Well there ya go, I gave up another one... Bwahaha. :aah: Well.... Gosh... Okay I'll go with the obvious- I ship... xD AAAHHHH this kills me.

  8. Fan-fan: Which pairings do you ship in Sherlock? xD

  9. Aww well then I guess you don't ship Rydon? Haha yep, we have shippings in the panic fandom. -_- I love fandoms they're superb, I just LOVE inside jokes and things like that, etc, etc, could go on for days, etc. :aah:

  10. Haha :lmfao: Okay you gave up, that's fine. :mf_rosetinted: What about you? Any other fandoms? :das:

  11. Sure yes TTEOTE but that isn't exactly a full fandom :aah: Okay guess something you WOULDN'T think I would be a fan of, ever. (curious...)

  12. Just guess! Surely you know the most popular fandoms, and what bands I like shows you what type of music I like and maybe even things I like to read... Etc...

  13. Hint: I don't know how to give hints. I'll give one up- I love Doctor Who. Guess something already, I suck at giving hints!!!

  14. CmoN you're better than this, DEDUCE. :mf_rosetinted:

  15. Hmmph. Reverse psychology my ass. :aah: TELL. ME. Or I will FIND YOU.

  16. That's fine, I don't WANT to know. In fact knowing would be the last thing on earth I would want. :shun:

  17. Nopers not yet, over this video at 2:20 :mf_rosetinted:

  18. I mean you know what I like (roughly, that is) you have the grounds to infer. xDD

  19. Hmm... I don't know... You could just GUESS. xD

  20. Oui, there are others.... But since I'm in an interesting mood, I'll let you GUESS at some of my other ones. :teehee:

  21. I guess so! xD Lalalalalalalaa *fangurling*

  22. I CANT THINK OF A QUESTION!!!! Dammit just tell me! :fish:

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