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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Seriously though, rehearsing the chicken dance for your Kindergarden school play, and something embarassing happens. That could be alot of things. :mf_rosetinted:

  2. Haha don't kid yourself, I'm not going anywhere :pinkbow: 'twas simply an ultimatum. :aah:

  3. WTF. The chicken dance was in your end of the year play. :doh: I really have nothing to go on here, help me please or....*dozes off*

  4. I know I just couldn't handle changing that much of the quote *pathetic face* Aha really? Well if it didn't happen DURING the chicken dance, how was it related to the chicken dance? :aah:

  5. Then the game, Mrs. Xenia, is on. :aah: tell me then what part did the boy play in all this? :mf_rosetinted:

  6. But me ish tired! You should know it's hard to deduce when you can't see the physical signs... I have no leads. I need a hint. :aah:

  7. Cmon how embarrassing could it possibly be? Definitely not more embarassing than some of the things which have happened to ME. I dare you to cut the bullish!t and tell me.

  8. Aha. You still like him, perhaps hence why you're so hesitant to tell me :mf_rosetinted: So then... This happened whilst doing the chicken dance? xD

  9. Yes AND no? I'm sensing some contradiction here... :lmao:

  10. I know and I woke all my family screaming. (yes I swear it was that bad) I'm going to the doctor who will clearly diagnose me with fangurl overload :naughty: It involved a boy then? Ao did you like him or smth? :aah:

  11. Aha that's what I thought! *feels like a genius* :aah:

    Well I was fangurling Brendon. And next thing I know what comes up on my playlist, but Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have With Her Clothes On. And all the sudden I got this unbearable pain in my stomach... I couldn't move. I blame it on Brendon, probably I couldn't take any more fangurling and my ovaries exploded :lmfao: But it hurt. And as soon as I started fangurling again it came back :tears:

  12. Yeah but seriously I couldn't sleep, in pain. :tears: Hmm... *smokes my pipe with a thoughtful expression* Then... Lets see. Who did this involve? Other than yourself.

  13. I never slept, due to unfortunate fangurling incident which left me curled up in pain... :aah: Ih hmm.. Kindergarden you don't say? So then I could conclude you were learning/ doing the chicken dance, at school. So far this doesn't sound as embarassing as you make it seem :aah:

  14. Oh dear god. It isn't like my deductions would be any good, at 5:30 in the morning and without being able to observe you as you tell me about it... Very well then. *pushes aside her Panic! At The Disco fangurl energy for now* I'll take you up on your offer. :mf_rosetinted: So then... WHERE did it happen? *feels silly* :naughty:

  15. Yes. You MUST tell me the chicken dance story, for starters....

    Edit: You called Me Sherlock..... My face: :mf_rosetinted: On the inside: :excite::fangurl:

  16. Hey wazzup mah homie? :das:

  17. So then you wont be back for a few hours.., which means I'll probably fall asleep and not be up until later :aah: what are you going to see? :teehee:

  18. Dammit seriously? :aah: What for?

  19. Oh yeah, that and a mod caught me talking to myself on SSR, not good, probs thinks I've finally lost my marbles... :fisch:

  20. Phew. Fangurling. ALOT. Over Benedict a bit but tonight, above all, BRENDON URIE. GAH. Gotta love Panic! :'D

  21. Oh whatever, doesn't matter if you get them they're boring jokes anyways :naughty: God natt, see you in the morning :3 (if you're even here! Where were you all day today?)

  22. Dinosaur one? :aah: Mr Krabs one-- crabs is an STD :aah: Chicken one-- pecker is also slang for a penis :aah: :aah:

  23. Oh Mai GAWSH are you serious? Which do I need to explain?

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