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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. That smiley makes me smile I was gonna ask wth is Ascenscion day... And then I suddenly remembered and just
  2. Yes you guys actually have less school *speechless* btw what's-- *decides to look it up instead and be mysterious about what I was going to ask* EDIT: I feel stupid now.
  3. Okay we have these days off: September 26 Halloween November 6th, 21-23, 28 Winter break (21-31 Dec. And the 1 January) January 21, 28 February 18, 27 March 27 April 5-8, 24 May 27 And then school ends the 14th this year.
  4. I'll try :aah: Okay you have a promise, when and IF I write it I'll show you FIRST.

  5. Oh aha well we post things pretty fast, normally we have loads of convos going on! How are you? :hug:

  6. Okej, okej! But- and here's the bad part- I would have to put it on FB. Which you don't have. :aah: (the doodles that is) I'll write it, and I might show it to you (unlike the other fics I've written, which I share with nobody :naughty:)

  7. Ehhhh if I wasn't feeling better all the adorable is eating me now, I must write this and soon :naughty: Yes Houselock will do until I think of something more clever :teehee: and those little chibis of Sherlawk and Jawn... I need to draw one of house :naughty:

  8. :naughty: Well I think it would be cuter if they just fought and pouted with each other :teehee: I can imagine them trying to show each other up, and AWWWW GOSH FANFIC IDEA!!!! We need to name this crossover :aah:
  9. And what would you suppose that reason is? Deduce. Yes hopefully she'll be back before school, she'll HAVE to use the computer sometime and it had better be BEFORE Mikasoon.
  10. Oh wow :aah: You know now that I think of it House is alot like Sherlock, I wonder would they get along, match wits, or just have a pouting session (aww Ohmygosh pouting is so cute :3 )

  11. Hah I know that I'm just being stupid Well if she's the same degree of unhappy as I am I feel pretty bad. Why would I ever leave MFC? I already have more posts than you and I joined like 5 months after I'm addicted to this place, really.
  12. aha OH!!! :naughty: And it's funny how many Sherlock/HP crossovers there are, almost more than Wholock! :aah:

  13. Yeah I guess. I know what she meant now, about Mika- it's comforting knowing someone you can't speak with exists. If she just exists and I haven't made the whole thing up in my mind (which I'm almost inclined to believe I did) then it's alot better. Yeah our promise came about late one silly teary eyed night, because I told her to try and stay positive and it might help things and apparently it helped because she was on about my changing her life and helping her put of depression (which I don't exactly take seriously, though I'm flattered at the thought that I helped some) and I certainly feel like she has helped me, all of MFC has...
  14. :aah::hug: Well it's true, your English is amazing! I'm so jealous of you, bilingual :sneaky2: And since nobody will explain Voldemort to me and I feel too lazy to stalk,


    :fisch: Random Voldy reference. :naughty:

  15. Yes I'd say best friends (well best INTERNET friends, as good friends as you can be with someone you haven't met) We were planning to meet in person perhaps. Basically we made the decision to care about each other with all our hearts. Which was a sad thing perhaps since I feel really empty now
  16. How did you misread it? :aah: By the way... The time has come for me to compliment you on your English.

  17. Yes we are, I cant count the late night sob sessions we've had together on my hands. And of course I remember that circumstance convo, it was brilliant We were talking about that one thing for like 7 hours straight... God. I'm trying not to be too whiny, I feel like I shouldn't have to bother you all with my issues but with Micah gone I needed to vent a little So thanks for not murdering me for it.
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