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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. :fisch: :fisch: :fisch: Aha when you're here, you never seem to see me :fisch:
  2. I suppose I'll have to get used to it then Although things are quite a bit confusing I must admit it's rather brilliant how easy it is to get your opinion across in this type of an environment, so no issues there
  3. Ah okay then I'm just thinking..., there are so many debates going on in this thread. To be honest, I don't really see the point anymore! Although these are certainly important issues, is it really that awful if people disagree with you? How much is it worth to make sure that people understand your viewpoint? Scrolling through here shows me something about human nature that I'm not entirely sure I'd like to accept. Although it's one thing to oppose opression, it's entirely another to go on like this, and in my humble opinion we're bringing it to a different level altogether such that it only intensifies the tension. Is it not that the purpose of starting this whole thing was because some people didn't agree with homosexuality? For people who want to decrease the amount of people who don't get along we've made a huge mess of an argument. What happened to live and let live? I would understand if these people were going out of their way to do something unconstitutional etc, but if people simply have a seperate viewpoint from you what IS the point of arguing it to death? It's not as though those people are going to suddenly "see the light" and accept what you say without deciding for themselves. and I suppose that's the end of my poorly expressed rant for now.
  4. Okay. I posted a pretty long opinion quite awhile back. and while it may be simply my own humble opinion it's definitely one that I believe in. Seeing how long this one conversation, discussion, debate, whatever you wish to call it has gone on, I must confess I'm not even sure what we're discussing anymore! I have an opinion rto give of course, but first what exactly is it that's so important in this debate? I lost track...
  5. Oh well I survive :hug: After all I have survived alot of things that bother me, so why not this? mehhhhhh....

  6. Well I suppose fair must not exist :aah:

  7. :fisch: The world does enough wrong already, is it too much to ask to be able to meet someone ONCE? :aah:
  8. Oh glory. :naughty: I'll do it even if it's impossible! :aah::lmfao:

  9. Yes. :naughty: Somehow, however that may be. :aah:

  10. I say we need to teach the world a lesson :aah: It's not nice to be so cruel :aah:

  11. :huglove: Yeah we are, sisters on totally different sides of the world who can't visit each other and yet somehow love each other as much as our best friends :aah::naughty: Oh cruel world.
  12. Exactly I feel the same way :huglove: To be honest I love you all more than my friends in real life :aah: so I don't know what I'll do without you :tears: We have to talk on holidays at least! :hug::tears:

  13. darn. :huh: That sucks. I hope I'll still be able to see you when you are on, and that I won't be off doing something else and miss you :aah:

  14. Is school okay for you then?? Nice teachers and all? It's great to see you, especially after you said you won't be here much :aah:

  15. Well if you want to upload them from your computer there's an option to attach files if you scroll down on the post screen, or if you want to add them from le Internet which is what most of us do I think then press the little image button on the post screen (with the mountains and the sun) and enter the URL of the image :3 that's the best I can explain it And Hiiiiii!!!
  16. Aha ouais.... Okej then C'est language mixing day idag
  17. Oui, mais why would they be frightened of him for something they didn't even witness?
  18. Everything worth watching is on the weird side
  19. Oh yeah Wait, I love Irene! I mean, she faked her death, maybe *conspiracy theory warning* Okay she faked her death. And that means that whoever was on the slab, wasn't her obviously. It had to be a dupe. So... When Moriarty framed Sherlock for the crime, who was committing those crimes? The answer- it had to have been a double, a duplicate. So perhaps in exchange for saving her, Irene supplies Sherlock with a similar duplicate? There's a lot of room to stretch plot and be clever. Maybe she fraternizes with the enemy, which isn't exactly that unexpected given what happened in ASIB? Perhaps Moriarty has a source? Perhaps... I don't know. There's alot of room for flexibility in plot, as I said.
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