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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. oh I almost forgot Anderson/Dinosaur! my second favorite :naughty: Here's the link to the insanely sad fanfic: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6914974/1/Alone_On_the_Water

  2. yes they are especially Mycroft/Cake (my ALL TIME FAVORITE shipping :naughty:) mmmhmm it is, hold up I'll link to it for you. Just be prepared to cry if you're emotionally invested in the show on any level :aah:

  3. gah and his face looks insanely pretty covered in blood God they just want to kill us all, don't they? They want to kill us all and make us write endless conspiracy theories as to how it was done so they can pull off something none of us will ever predict :aah:
  4. :naughty: I was way past that. After scandal in belgravia i was crazy giggling and hopping around, after baskerville I was teared up pretty bad, but after reichenbach just... :shocked: just seriously stunned and hurt :aah: I don't know if you read fanfic at all, but I was reading Alone on the Water the other day and I cried for an hour straight-almost got myself taken to see a psychiatrist :tears:
  5. ehhh god The end of the series is so devastating, if it weren't for knowing that Sherlock is still alive I'd be curled up in the fetal position crying my eyes out
  6. hehe well I try to keep my fandoms nicely organised but I'm worried my mom will think I"m even more detached then I already am :aah:

  7. Oh I love guitar! We have an electric and acoustic (my family are music people) OOHHHHH I taught myself Sherlock's theme I LOVE IT!!!! And the cab chase version, GORGEOUS!
  8. okay I shoudl watch it then :aah: I'm in so many fandoms right now that I can't even count all the movies and shows I need to catch up on :naughty:

  9. Yep I play the violin and the piano and other stuff sometimes :aah: okay let's play Hungarian Dances
  10. I hope so too :tears: We talked alot, I'm pretty sure I know EVERYTHING about her. xD I don't watch HIMYM...any good? :aah:

  11. J'adore anything that has to do with Benedict in even the most obscure way. Especially his dry tone as Edmund and his certain knack for looking beautiful holding a violin (which as a violinist I'll say he does pretty correctly!) Okay you be lazy then. funny how you're too lazy even to speak in your native language
  12. so do I. I can't help feeling like i"m probably to blame for this, so I've written a two page long apology to her for when she gets back just in case :aah:

  13. Well Micah and I text ALOT, like every second of every day until 7 in the morning :aah: and one day, she went off to walk her sheep and didn't come back :aah: I'm worried her mom found out we were texting or something :tears:

  14. :bye: heyyy how are ya? I see Cat already told you Micah was missing...
  15. Oh god no :shocked: what happened?? :shocked: :shocked:

  16. it's more of a rant than anything. but whatever. it's nice to know at least someone reads your stupid rants sometimes :naughty:
  17. you'd read that anyways, yet you haven't even read my literary rant yet
  18. not that they'd be anything worth reading It'd probably just end up a slew of weird things. but I'm definitely writing some Mycroft/cake when I get the chance.
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