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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Sherlock/Molly= Sherlolly :naughty: I ship Johnlock so hard, but really Sherlolly is just so adorable :teehee:

  2. Well I cant exactly help myself, it's become the way I act... xD I guess it makes up for the lack of new Sherlock (by the way, am I the ONLY one that wants more canon Sherlolly...? :teehee:)

  3. Oh and my parents make fun of the way I speak they say I should have been born circa 1800s xD

  4. Bwahaha well I think I'm getting more and more like Sherlock every day, god.. And probably pretty arrogant too... I secretly love being misunderstood :teehee:

  5. Well I like it, but she thinks I'm a weirdo xD

  6. Yep, I haven't talked in days, just work, read, talk to lovely people... :wink2: My mom told me today that I was weird and not the same person she raised and I can't argue with that :teehee:

  7. Hehe :teehee: tack så mycket, I'm working on it :naughty:

  8. Ummm... Jag är okej ;)

  9. Hur mår du??? xD

  10. :teehee: Well he might burn it anyways,... If he has any sense...
  11. Well then in terms of what works and what doesn't, stated simply: We have absolutely no say at all. What works for him is what works. What is working for us right now is having this conversation. What is working for everyone else is working for everyone else. As people we are able to adapt, therefore whatever we wish to make work we will. And in cases where that is impossible, people can stretch their minds to make THEIR beliefs major and therefore check the problem and assign it to someone other than themselves. So if anyone chooses to disagree with Mika's lifestyle choices they can try to make things work for them by believing he needs saving but it isn't going to happen, there's a radius of how far people can reach to change things and it falls quite short of changing someone's sexual orientation-- even Mika can't exactly change that, or else why wouldn't he have to avoid the trouble? So I agree with you on all points.
  12. On the second point, I agree 100%. However... (and I'm playing the Devil's Advocate here, so to speak)... If you don't see their views and they don't see yours then we're coming up blank here. Of course, we're all entitled to opinions on the matter but does it matter whether we agree? Mika's decisions are his decisions. You're correct we don't know him and we shouldn't be putting ourselves in a position to judge people's character based on their stage persona. If someone with the belief that they must 'save' him, that would be them expressing concern for him. If someone though the opposite (which it seems many of us do, myself included) that's our way of expressing it. Does it mean either of us are doing it 'correctly'? Although it might seem so, I prefer to keep the answer a nice vague "not necessarily". As Ive previously said it's gracious enough that he shares what he already has with us, for the sake of relating to his music, bur he is in no way obligated to it and this is why we aren't in a position to be judging him for it.
  13. Hehe I cant argue with that I guess
  14. All it does is make things unnecessarily complex
  15. This. Explains. Nothing. Although interesting... Pfffft.
  16. That is also very true. And quite unfortunate as well. I've seen it happen a few times personally.
  17. That's very much true, although in this case I think it's safer to think of love not technically, but in the way we may casually use it which is to refer to the 'package deal'.
  18. Thank you so much, sometimes that's something I really need to hear
  19. Well it's alot harder to do that at 14, when adults with uninformed opinions refuse to listen to you and dismiss you as too young to understand the 'truth' Ive always been out of place and in my own head because of it.
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