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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I have strong opinions I suppose. My life is such that nobody ever listens to me and I have to resort to logic. So I guess it's so nice for people to listen for a change. :teehee: So thank you.
  2. Thank you, I live quite a boring life in a boring house in a boring state. I live for talking sense. Otherwise I would explode from boredom and die It's genuinely all I do, i think
  3. Thank you both, I spend my nights thinking about such things and Ive finally had the chance to spurt out my thoughts on the matter. It's quite a challenge to remain neutral but I like trying. And with that said I'll give my quite a bit less analytical feelings-- Mika is an amazing person who changed my life and no matter what happens to him or with him it will always be that way.
  4. Alright, I may be rather young to join in this conversation (14) but I feel as though I have the overwhelming desire to share my views on this point. Seen through my eyes, the way we live our lives is certainly subject to outside interpretation. This is especially true for Mika, who, as a celebrity, has chosen to accept the possibility that aspects of his private life may come into view of the public eye and the eye of his fanbase. And how everyone sees the world is highly dependent upon how they were brought up, their opinions, thoughts, religious beliefs etc. Therefore something that seems one way to someone of a certain belief may seem differently to someone of a different belief (I'm trying to maintain a position of neutrality) One may belief that homosexuality is wrong and they have their right to that belief, therefore in their eyes wanting to 'save' Mika would be an expression of their love and respect for him. Although in someone else's view homosexuality is fine and therefore not wanting to interfere would be a sign of their respect and love for him. Although it isn't necessary to respect someone's PoV (however preferable that would be) it is a good and highly informative thing to observe it. But in the end it's Mika's personal life and so his beliefs and views are what matter to him. As his fans we're here for his music, no? And yet we find ourselves in such a position as to judge his character based off of that. He has the right to withhold any information from us as he wishes. So what I'm trying to say (albeit in a highly unstructured way, sorry for that) is that overall HIS beliefs are what should govern HIS life, and regardless of whether we agree or not that isnt going to change. Feel free to live your OWN life how YOU want to. But it's quite a pointless matter to be so grieved and distressed over something that not only does you no harm whatsoever but that also makes someone happy. No matter if you have no personal attachment to Mika, (which although most of us do we really should not) you're here for music which is, other than in principle, rather unaffected by sexuality.
  5. I have to say I agree- it's his private life and we aren't a part of it, and it's a blessing that he shares as much about himself as he does with us. Having a connection with an artist is lovely in terms of understanding music but not necessary at all.
  6. Last I saw her we were texting. She was walking her sheep, and said she'd be back- she never was. I'm actually pretty worried...

  7. Oh my gosh, THIS. Although I can't listen to it at night without choking in fear :aah: [YOUTUBE]skU-jBFzXl0[/YOUTUBE]
  8. I couldn't agree with this more, and lately I had been seeing in his eyes and his performances that something seemed to be bothering him. But now, :teehee: it seems as though he's really back and can be himself. And I'm so happy for him.
  9. That's amazing!! I've never seen them live but I'd love to at some point.
  10. Aww a Sherlock thing that will make me cry.... WILL READ. Yep:teehee::teehee:
  11. If it's midnight that makes it exactly 12 AM. And if it's day 12 o'clock that would be 12 PM. :wink2:

  12. Oh and we don't always say AM/PM because obviously people can tell which it is by the sun :naughty:

  13. Ohhh hahaha :lmfao: England uses 24 hr clock as well :teehee: Well I'll explain American time with the PM and AM. Basically our clock cycles 12-12-- the AM time (morning) starts at hmm I think it's your 24:00 and goes until 12:00 when it becomes PM (afternoon/night) if that made sense, which it hopefully did xD

  14. Well maybe you should explain how you tell time first, so I'll understand the differences better :teehee:

  15. :teehee: Well I could always try :teehee:
  16. And yes I will, I'll just have to learn Swedish time first so I can explain it. :teehee:

  17. Haha THAT'S AMAZING!!!! You have just taught me a beautiful thing :tears: not only can I make obscure references to Sherlock in front of my friends who don't watch, but now I can make obscure references in Swedish!! :naughty: Oh gods do I love to confuse people :aah: Yes, do watch it, apart from (slightly) upsetting views of Martin's junk it's pretty good.

  18. Oh. My. Gosh. Wow. *gets over it* WOW IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM!!!!
  19. YES IT'S BRILLIANT!!! (and totally horrible ) I SHALL. tis doubtless.
  20. No, no he isn't. Not exactly a joy to look at xD but once you see it it's stuck in your head and you're like OH NOOO STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!!! xD And with the crazy hair he has in that movie it's even weirder :naughty:

  21. Well, the American times are different than the British ones I think but I can teach you bothh if you'd like, it's the least I can do for you teaching me Swedish :teehee:

  22. And the movie is about a Rembrandt painting and controversies surrounding it. Fascinating to ME, but not something most people are into as Ive found out. Nobody likes fangurlin with MEEEE xDDD Anyhow Martin isn't exactly a joy to see in that state, or else I wouldn't be as traumatized I think. He's rather chubbehhhh :naughty:

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