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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I'll look up the clock stuff xD The days are very similar to English so I have it no problem! :teehee:

  2. That's fine, take your time I won't be waiting up, too busy worshipping our Cumberlord
  3. Oh very well indeed! We've had a few really productive ideas! Unfortunately I haven't seen Micah for a few weeks so we've really fallen behind...

  4. That's fine. OH, find the movie INTERESTING do you?? I've not told yoU what it's about. And even if I had I'm fairly certain it wouldn't seem THAT interesting. :naughty:

  5. Eh it's okay, I spammed the Say Something Random thread talking to myself :aah: So, how have you been? :D

  6. Nooooopppeeee!!!!! Is it good??? I particularly enjoy the one I linked, mostly for the ending: it left me laughing so hard I could barely breathe haha
  7. Oh my gosh.... Hello.... :pinkbow: Save me from being all alone? Maybe? :tears::naughty: I haven't talked to you in forever...

  8. Okay everyone, just In case you haven't already seen it, this fanfic is a bit of genius and should be recognized as so. So.... READ IT!!! http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7929229/1/Day_out_with_Benedict_Cumberbatch Yes Hanna you know which one it is. It's THAT one. I figured it needed more attention than it got.
  9. I really liked him in To The Ends Of The Earth and there's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy as well, and some others I think it's listed in the first post now I feel a bit weird lately since Bene fangurling kind of overtook Mika fangurling for now OOH I've had a dream like that before! It turned out pretty well for me... but he ended up killing me after so... I guess I've been reading too much fanfic.
  10. Deduce things... xD My brain is not in the mood :aah: I know as well as you do that isn't the real reason. Don't even try to fool me. :teehee:

  11. Oh my god. xD Well then I haven't figured it out. And I still have no idea why you would want to see that, :aah:

  12. Oh. You asked if the movie was good. Answer: I couldnt pay attention to the movie. My thoughts were distracted. I'll give it another try later on :aah:

  13. HAHAHA Seriously? Something which scared me pretty badly and you want to see it. :naughty: I was surprised, not expecting it :aah: :aah: I assumed you wrote it as a reference to the Great Game... (I loved when Watson tried to deduce the shoes! :teehee:) but... I could always be wrong. xD

  14. Your question could afford some clarification. :naughty: It was in Nightwatching. Wait a second...*sly smile* why did you want to know....? Curious are we? xD

  15. I didn't realize how easy it is to cry over something beautiful until now *sees sunset in the mountains*: straight face. *a baby is born*: straight face. But... *Benedict Cumberbatch looking like THAT*: *bursts into tears* DAFUQ IS WRONG WITH ME??
  16. Yes we can do that, and maybe if you can find a site that lists what he's done before we can link to that as well.
  17. Ohhh that fourth one up above gave me emotions So....beautiful....
  18. OHH you can't read it? Not even zoomed in? Alright then I'll just be blunt. I was watching Nightwatching. And when I wasn't suspecting it BOOM. A nude Martin Freeman. ohhhh the sight...*shudders* I am slightly traumatized. xD

  19. Well I like the idea! If other people wont want too long a list we can always just list upcoming things he'll be in but really, I like the idea of having a list.
  20. Yeahhhh I did :aah: Oh what happened you ask?? *eye twitches nervously* I was watching a movie... (Nightwatching) and then all the sudden *A WILD MARTIN FREEMAN'S PENIS APPEARED!* Annnddd now I'm scarred for life. [/disturbing story]


    Hehe thanks ;) that made my day better after my traumatizing experience earlier. xD

  22. That's true. He does quite frankly the best SH interpretation(well at least in my humble and most likely uninformed opinion ) Awhile ago I was in that stage where I watched basically anything with him in it and I can confidently say he's one of the best actors today. And also that everything he touches basically turns into entertainment gold. I would watch even the crappiest b movie if he was in it And all the BBC book adaptations make me want to read- ALOT.
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