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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. No, I'll admit I didn't get all that I noticed the thing with the lotion though.. It just took me until right before Sherlock said so I agree with you there. And even though I'd hate to skip around the series if I REALLY am curious I should read the final problem and the adventure of the empty house, I'm sure the new episode will be SOME sort of twist on that...
  2. At the beginning there were ancient Chinese numeral symbols spray painted on the wall And now that you mention it, I agree. Just a bit. I'd rather think we'll be hit with something totally genius and captivating than something logical. It IS Sherlock Holmes we're talking about, so things really could swing either way.
  3. Well I figured out the beginning with the symbols because I like languages, but other than that not really My theory is long and would take forever to type so I'll just copy and paste from someone whom I agree with. We see Sherlock on his mobile at the top of the building, this is definitely Holmes. When Sherlock first looks over the edge and asks “for a moment by myself”, there’s a bus parked alongside the hospital. After a minute or so, and next time we look down, there’s a lorry full of bin bags there. He was obviously stalling until the lorry full of rubbish bags is in position. Watson is below on the street talking to him and is told not to move and to keep his eyes on Holmes so he doesn’t see the upcoming body switch. Holmes jumps from the building and seems to land on the pavement below. Actually he has jumped and landed in the back of the lorry full of rubbish bags and another body is put in his place on the pavement, which, conveniently is hidden from Watson’s view behind the rubbish lorry. Look at when he jumps. WAY too far from the building considering where the body ends up on the pavement (also, jumping forwards, despite the body being side on), and as we pan to the body, the lorry full of rubbish bags (to pad his fall) is driving away, with Holmes in it. The "Holmes" which we see landing on the pavement is in fact a dead body dressed up to look like Holmes, which he collected from Molly at the morgue. Watson then runs to Holmes but is disorientated by a "random" cyclist. Also, don’t forget that Watson sees what he expects to see, considering he’s just witnessed Sherlock jumping off the building, ie Sherlock’s dead body, it wouldn’t occur to him that it could be anyone else. So, who is on the ground then? Well, his double. His double being the guy that Moriarty used to kidnap the children, hence the children being scared of him despite having never met Sherlock before. I’m assuming a double as opposed to a mask at this point, as I expect a mask to be too loose of a plot line. That said, in the last episode, “The Hounds of Baskerville”, whilst in the Baskerville facility, “human cloning” was mentioned. Could be a bit tenuous, but you never know. He went to Molly just before the end so that he could ask her a favour so that she could perform the autopsy and “verify” his death, even though it didn’t occur. << I saw this somewhere on l'internet while I was thinking over my theories- couldn't agree more. I still hope it's more clever than that though... I would hate to have figured it out already
  4. I know! When I listen to music in other languages I ALWAYS translate. And usually learn some of the language too Wy is it so shocking that I've heard of it? Too hipster for ya?
  5. Haha even I predicted Reichenbach. Honestly, I think I have it mostly figured out. Probably not though I thought it was pretty unpredictable too but I suppose I just wasn't paying attention... I watched Great Game all alone and figured most of it out. Thats sort of how I roll
  6. Haha yeah... My dad tries very hard not to like anything I like. He's competitive with me. I showed him ASIP, and he solved it before it was half way through. And then he said exactly which bottle Sherlock picked before he picked it. The disadvantage of having a dad who is a fan of SH... He went on to say that the show was 'good, but too pretentious'. Says the man who calls himself a fan but has never read a WORD of Sherlock Holmes....
  7. BWAHAHA I LOVE THAT ONE SO MUCH!!! HAHA Great idea putting it here. Note: READ IT. ALL OF IT.
  8. Haha lucky, my family and friends only know his name for the purpose of making fun of it Even my 7 year old cousin just HAD to say something... I don't even think 7 year olds are supposed to have such a, hmm, interesting vocabulary :aah:
  9. Oh, just about everyone I know in real life .... I didn't even know he existed before MFC.
  10. Hmmmmm.... Nobody's suggested we use GGG! When Micah comes back (it has been awhile..) we should talk about that one. It could work. As for Life on Mars, I've never seen it. Would you mind summarizing a bit?
  11. I'm an INFP as well I think its mostly accurate
  12. :naughty: Maybe. It depends on if my dad wants me to tinychat at 1 AM or not :aah: I might be able to on the app...
  13. I'll be awake till late anyway. You know I never sleep. :teehee:

  14. Oh! It's 11:14 AM here! XD

  15. Hmm... What time is it there right now?

  16. Because I'm fat and I HATE chocolate. Yuck.

  17. Thats cool. My annoying sis just kicked me off the computer anyway xD so yeah.

  18. xD Not ALL fat people eat chocolate. Stereotype much? :P/emoticons/default_Ahh.gif" alt=":aah:" /> :aah:

  19. Readin' fanfic, eatin' spicy salsa, bein' awesome :aah:

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