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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Mwahaha YES!!! As soon as possible. (in other words, probably when I'm like 30) :aah: Out of all the languages I've ever tried to learn this one is the hardest :/

  2. Ohmygosh IT WON'T TRANSLATE! :aah: And as you probably guessed I don't know much Finnish :naughty:

  3. I love ice hockey! I used to play :teehee: Your language is very confusing :P I tried.

  4. It seems really nice!

  5. :naughty: Parliamentary Republic eh? Thats a new one xD One of the most peaceful, competitive and livable places? Yeah I want to visit now :teehee:
  6. Ohmygosh. Haha how is it possible for Finland to be like the 8th largest country in Europe and yet be the most sparsely populated in the entire European Union?? :aah:

  7. Yay! :teehee: I love computers :naughty: They save me from laying around all day not talking to anyone. If I didn't have a computer I'd never talk, just play instruments, draw, write, other artsy things. And read wikipedia. :naughty: And YouTube. But I wouldnt talk EVER. XD

  8. Haha :teehee: USA must have some major computer geeks then, because next year for school we take computer programming and JavaScript :aah:

  9. Seriously? :teehee: it isn't that hard. Lol. Tap the home button 2 times and scroll to the left side :aah:

  10. Haha same :aah: usually I just turn the brightness all the way down, that helps the battery work more efficiently. And turning off the apps you aren't using.

  11. :teehee: Okay whats up? :naughty: :naughty:
  12. I hope that sets you straight on who she is! Shes amazing- a very respectable artist.
  13. [YOUTUBE]H2yWZb3zXiA&feature[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]8Eiv7H9XQRY&feature[/YOUTUBE]
  14. Okay, I'll summarize it up and post on DA, expect in the next few days Tori Amos is a singer that both Micah and I are fans of and we feel like we could use her stuff as inspiration. I'll post a few of her songs here for your benefit. [YOUTUBE]KWmETxWM0h0&feature[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]ohiRxoakhog&feature[/YOUTUBE]
  15. I'm sure things will work themselves out. He was right, don't stop believing in your dreams! That's wat they're there for.
  16. Hey don't be like that, everything is worth trying! Even if it seems like the odds are against you.
  17. Well I have so much going on... I'm one of those people that wants to do EVERYTHING. I believe the word is 'ambitious'- although some would say the word is 'stupid'.
  18. I try to keep my self out of compromising positions. In all honestly, the strange reality is that I feel like I'm in a relationship with my life. Music, school, writing, math/science center, I sort of love it. So no dating for me right now because I really don't feel like it.
  19. I bet it would be... This would be one of the reasons I don't date.
  20. Yeah I guess so -.- I completely agree with you there. There's NO point in being in a relationship just to turn around and see someone else. Really immature.
  21. Don't let yourself think that way. It just feeds paranoia. I'm sure he wouldn't do that.
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