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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. I don't quite get it either. Something about "it's not really about gays, it's about human equality and my opinion doesn't change how the world ought to be." xD Speaking of sleep...
  2. My father just has these logic twists where you think he has a completely detestable opinion, but then it turns around and he actually supports the opposite of what he supposedly stands for. Like, he's homophobic, but he fully supports gay rights. He doesn't like rats, but he refuses to be anything less than angelic towards them. XD That must be really pleasant and non painful. Oh really? what happened to that "let's stay up all night" thing a few days ago?
  3. He says he doesn't like them, but he's nice to them because he likes being kind to small creatures. It's the gay rights thing all over again. I get them often enough, but only really small ones that are generally unnoticeable. I'd be willing to bet that enough people have it already that the contagiousness doesn't matter too much, though.
  4. It's a fine name, but I can't let him get away with naming pets he didn't even want to have. .____. i'm glad I don't have it very badly!
  5. Real herpes. HSV-1. I stoop to that level sometimes. My dad wanted to call my old hamster Ni-ni and I needed to step in.
  6. Well, I already have Herpes kind of so I guess it doesn't matter much. xD Well you see, my family always tries to name our pets things and they end up sticking.
  7. Cuddly pet, dreaded STD, it's all the same thing anyways. Okay, that's fabulous. I wish we had shops like that. But I suck at naming things
  8. The irony is so thick I can almost taste it. Oh, they do?? That sounds like my kind of place! I'm obsessed with things like that. They're slightly out of the ordinary, but not enough to make you seem completely freaking insane. Awwwww that would be cute! ^^ I still haven't named them. I was thinking Jackie and Zelda, but idk man
  9. Because it's really. freaking. cute. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, I'M OBSESSED WITH THOSE MICROBE PLUSHIES THEY'RE ADORBS ;w; Good luck finding someone who'd buy it.
  10. You would sell my worldly possessions? Do you realize that they consist of a hair straightener, a stuffed fish, a stuffed animal version of a Herpes microbe, my guitar that refuses to stay in tune, a bunch of underwear, and my rats?
  11. ...fine. but when I die, none of my worldly possessions go to you. lol jk my will leaves everything i own to you lol wouldn't that be gr9
  12. Butterflies aren't young. Butterflies are adult caterpillars. So what you've said is actually impossible. Well, do you happen to know anyone named Will? Because I've been told that where there's a Will, there's a way.
  13. Ehehehehehheeh I feel like I'm spending this entire night being hungry and watching special effects makeup videos on Youtube.
  14. I don't know try the internet. The internet has everything! Well, almost everything. It's only missing the things I want most.
  15. I steal most of my jokes from my dad or the internet. It's 4:30am here. Your argument has just been rendered invalid. *fistpump*
  16. Yeah right. xD That seems a bit of a paradox. If you don't know everything, how are you to know whether you actually do know all there is to know or not?
  17. YOUR FAMILY IS THE FREAKING CUTEST OKAY ველლ ათ ლეასთ იფ yოუ ქნოვ უსელესს სთუფფ ფეოფლე მიღთ თჰინქ yოუ'რე ინთერესთინგ. ფჰyსიცს ის ბოოოოოოოოოორიიიიიიიიიინგგგგგგგგგგგგგგ. *შოოც თჰე ვალლ* :naughty: I'm lying rn, I actually love physics. Just don't tell the cool kids. ;u;
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