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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. oh thank GOD. You know at first when the book was undeveloped it seemed like a good idea nut now that we have some rough plot I'm not feeling it anymore. So we're officially cutting that right out.
  2. Yeah, good! Actually this brings me around to the idea we had earlier of writing several different first pages. Are we still on board with that or no? Maybe while she is trying to sleep she would suddenly realize something that would induce the falling feeling. Like an effortless glide into sleep that she realizes because of a thought she has.
  3. I've no objection! So what comes directly after the EMD scene? We need some more reality, for character setup, I think, and then how shall we transition to going to sleep? Maybe she has a rough day. Tries to get to sleep and is kept up thinking, and then falls through the bed like had been previously suggested?
  4. I NEED to, and I ACHE to, but alas, it's 6:30 AM and my family are all asleep
  5. Ohmygod im flipping out. That was amazing. Brill.iant. Amazing. Be proud, be very proud.
  6. O.O YESSSSSSSS!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! And there's where we might put in your walking to school scene where everyone has the super long legs I COULD NOT LOVE WHAT TOU JUST WROTE MORE. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE I HAVE REACHED FULL LOVE CAPACITY.
  7. Good. And we were thinking of incorporating some more mature themes to add to the trippiness effect, so what did we have in mind there? I need a clear idea of where we're headed.
  8. Well if you follow where we're going and you think of anything, feel free to come in because every help we can get is appreciated
  9. Hmm..... I like that... I feel like those moments of doubt can help us get to point b in terms of thhe realization and then the running away which eventually leads to waking up.
  10. Help us with the book! We're getting lonely working by ourselves
  11. Hmm... We'll remedy this somehow. The most impt thing is to hash out the plot. So since you designed the EMD thing, what are your ideas for theme and plot behind that?
  12. That's true. But all colored drawings start out as a plain sketch. Just.. Color with perspective and dimension.
  13. [YOUTUBE]H2yWZb3zXiA[/YOUTUBE] Ok this is Happy Phantom by Tori Amos, and I figure it will end up as official inspiration for something or other, so here it goes!
  14. Hey don't worry we can always add color. Just draw black and white, then color it, simple.
  15. GOOD. just had to be sure we were still on the same page. I'm really looking forward to using the progression of color!
  16. True, bur BTT stays, OFB stays, and we have to use happy phantom
  17. Ad all of it I'm seeing as surreal as possible. Trying not to give away that it's a dream until it progresses and becomes colorful, remember?
  18. YES! That song IS freedom. We need to convey so much freedom and happiness and quirkiness in that dream scene before we get to the darker, running away dream scene I ranted on about.
  19. YESYESYES!!! And maybe Gertrude can be in the plot twist!!! OH MICAH WE NEED A DREAM SCENE BASED ON HAPPY PHANTOM!!!!!!! :DDDDD
  20. I'm imagining it as kind of shes groggy and tired and then when EMD mom stands there and she flicks on the lights its like a snap back to reality. Symbolism anyone?
  21. I wish this was a movie and not a book so I wouldnt have to go through this I could just arrange things how I want... Ugh I'll give drawing it a shot later on when it isnt 5am So we need to carry on from there. What else do we see? You designed the EMD scene- I imagine that coming right after Mika goes downstairs. Lets say it's dark, and she turns on the lights, and the mom is there, and lets hear your plot. And are we having Gertrude through all this, or is she going to have a more special role?
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